What’s Your Definition of Success?

What does success really mean to you? It’s important to clarify your thoughts, goals and desires before you can achieve success! You can’t work towards something passionately when you aren’t sure what the end result will be.

Success means many different things to different people. Unfortunately, the tendency is to view monetary gain as success. However, financial wealth is only a small part of overall success.

Different Areas of Success

Because there are different areas of success, you can be successful in one area and unsuccessful in others. In order to develop a plan for your success, you need to make your own list of areas that are relevant to you.

* To achieve overall success in life, you’ll need to examine your priorities in each area.

For many of us, there are 3 main components of success. In your personal plan for success, there may be even more. Be sure to include any areas that are important to you.

Here are the 3 main areas, along with some tips and techniques to help you evaluate your priorities and formulate your success plan:

1. Career. To evaluate your career, contemplate these questions:

* Do you desire a higher status position?
* What amount of income would make you happy?
* Would you simply like to feel appreciated by your boss?

Any number of things can be used to measure your success when it comes to your career.

* In your career evaluation, be sure to determine what strengths and weaknesses you have that can help or hinder you from achieving your goal.

2. Emotional. These questions can guide you to important considerations for your emotional success:

* Are you satisfied with your relationships?
* What have you learned so far that could help you do better in the future?
* If you have children, do you feel successful in how you’re raising them?
* Is your marriage a happy one?

3. Health. Are you doing everything you can to improve your overall well-being? Maybe a change in diet and exercise is in order. Take a moment to evaluate whether you’ve achieved success in this area or if there’s room for improvement.

* If your health can use a boost, make a plan to start implementing changes in your daily routine that lead to a healthier lifestyle.

The Journey to Success

Your journey to success will have highs and lows throughout your life. There will be mistakes and disappointments. You may experience a setback at some point. The beauty is that you can get back on track and move closer to your goals at any time.

* You may achieve new levels of success at different times in your life and career. As you progress in your job, start a family, and get involved in giving back to your community, your definition of success may change, as do your priorities. Go with the flow; it’s okay for your outlook on life and your meaning of success to change over time.

* Love what you do! Life is too short to be stuck doing something you despise. To achieve success in life, work with what you’ve got. Focus on your strengths and interests and do the things that bring those to the forefront of your life.

* Challenges and obstacles are opportunities for improvement and further success. Everyone has setbacks at some point in their lives. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be human. The successful individual has the confidence that he can and will do better!

Every so often, it’s very important to step back and re-evaluate your idea of success. There are so many changes in life and with each one you’ll find that your priorities change also. Never underestimate the power that comes from persistence and experience, just don’t forget to enjoy the journey!

What is the Secret Law of Attraction?

Are you fed up with the notions of what you’re supposed to do?

We’re all taught early in life that we’re supposed to grow up and work for a company like an indentured servant for 40 years and then fade away at retirement with a company pension that barely covers the necessities of daily existence. However, people are becoming more enlightened and educated, realizing that there’s a better way. You can have a prosperous life and feel fulfilled!

“The Secret” Exposed

The incredibly popular book and movie, The Secret, has made such a powerful impact on people, but at the same time, The Secret isn’t really revealing anything new. It speaks of ancient secrets that successful people have used since the beginning of time. People within “inner circles” throughout the ages have jealously guarded this secret because they felt that if it got out, it would quickly be distorted or watered down.

But now, the increasing educational level of people has allowed the average person to learn about and use the secret law. And that law is: like attracts like. This essentially means that you have to picture yourself as wealthy and successful in order to be someone who is wealthy and successful.

* Creating a positive mindset and thinking about the positives in life is paramount to “The Secret” working.

If you can see yourself as wealthy and successful, then you can become that way – even if you start with nothing. Wealth and success are not matters of luck or some kind of rare talent. Success is created by habits. These habits are instilled in people through visualizing their dreams as reality.

It’s More Than a Pipe Dream…

You have to do more than just visualize your bank account overflowing with cash. You have to be willing to take action, even if only baby steps. Keeping that positive mindset always at the forefront of your thoughts will help you focus and guide you to take the correct steps to prosperity.

* If you intensely picture your life as prosperous, you’ll begin to notice opportunities arising that will lead you to newfound prosperity, such as a job promotion or a new position with a different company.

* If you intensely picture your life as being debt-free, then you’ll see opportunities to make extra money to pay off those credit cards, such as doing odd jobs for neighbors, having a yard sale, or selling unwanted items on eBay.

* If you intensely picture yourself having a healthy body, then you’ll subconsciously start to make changes to your lifestyle. Sometimes a visual reminder helps keep you motivated, so find a picture of a healthy body and give yourself permission to want that for yourself.

When you can visualize your new life and focus on what you want to do and where you want to be, you’ll attract great things to your life. On the flipside, if you hold onto negative thoughts, you will only attract more negative feelings and experiences in your life.

Give yourself permission to desire a good life and focus your mind deeply and fully. You must first believe that you deserve a good life before you can live one. That is the secret.

Using the Law of Attraction to Boost Your Income

We’ve all heard about how positive thinking can benefit you in many ways, but did you know that positive thinking and the Law of Attraction can help boost your income as well?

These days we all could use some extra income! This article will give you an understanding of how positive thinking and the Law of Attraction are interrelated, as well as explain how you can use these principals for your financial benefit.

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is more than just being upbeat all the time. The term “optimistic” comes to mind; however, positive thinking is much more than just being hopeful, also. Positive thinking is the opposite of negative thinking.

Sounds simple right? Well it’s easier said than done!

Why It’s Important to Think Positively

I’m sure you know someone who’s a negative thinker. They’re usually down most of the time, get depressed easily, and have negative things happen to them recurrently.

Have you ever wondered why this happens? It’s because the negative thinker surrounds himself with negative energy, which attracts more negative things. His thoughts are in harmony with negativity, so that’s what he gets – more of the same!

Positive thinkers, on the other hand, think about encouraging things and surround themselves with positive energy. Their thoughts are in harmony with good things, so they attract more positive opportunities.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you gravitate toward the outcome of situations because of your thought processes.

Therefore, when you think positively, you’ll make decisions based on that type of outcome, consciously or unconsciously. The same goes if you think negatively.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Attract More Money

If you dwell on the negative – such as how bad the economy is or how tragic situations are – your thoughts, and therefore your decisions, take you down a path to negative outcomes.

However, when you think positively, you now have a fresh start to do something you really enjoy and your thoughts and decisions move you toward those goals.

Now is the time to start thinking positively in this financial downfall.

What are some skills you already have that you could use to bring in some extra cash? How can you take advantage of current trends to boost your income?

Here are some suggestions to help get your thoughts moving in the right direction:

1. Are you artistic or do you enjoy making things with your hands? You might enjoy graphic arts. Now is the opportune time to start your own online business selling graphics, covers, designs, and page layouts.

2. Are you social and do you love interacting with people? Social networking is HUGE and growing by leaps and bounds!

* Social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Stumble Upon and De.lic.ious are changing the way businesses of all types market their products and services. Many companies are hiring people to market their business on these and other social networks.

3. Do you like to write? Blogs are fast becoming the way to update a website consistently, driving more and more traffic to it. Companies are looking for writers to fill their sites with content.

* Posting blogs, article writing, and copywriting are just a few of the ways you can earn money online using skills you already have and a pastime you enjoy. 

4. Boost your income at your current job. When you think positive things about your job, you tend to perform better. And when you excel at your work, your boss is more likely to recognize you as a valuable, or even indispensable, team member!

Positive thinking will help lead you in the right direction toward a positive outcome. If you’re naturally a negative thinker, turning those thoughts into positive ones may be a little more difficult, but it can be done.

When you start to have negative thoughts, try to catch them before you’re already on the path to destruction in your head. Then, turn them around and focus on positive outcomes.

Over time and with practice, positive thinking can become natural to you. Even better, you’ll be attracting positive outcomes as well. Through positive thinking, the Law of Attraction can bring you many things to be happy about, including financial freedom!

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Perhaps you’ve become aware of the popularity of the Law of Attraction. The big question is: how can you incorporate its principles into your daily existence?

To do this correctly, we must first understand what the Law of Attraction means and what its guiding principles are. Thankfully, they’re quite simple and easy to comprehend.

The Law of Attraction states that negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive. The universe can understand our subconscious minds, and it delivers things according to the way we’re thinking.

If we want the Law of Attraction to provide us with positive rewards, joy, and happiness, here are some simple strategies to follow:

1. Always give thanks. For us to live the Law of Attraction on a continuous basis, we must always give gratitude. What this means is that, no matter what we have up to this point in time, we must profess thanks for it.

* If you sincerely practice this on a continuous basis, you’ll be rewarded with many positive things. 

* A good way to practice this on a daily basis is to give thanks each day upon rising and at night before going to bed. At these times of the day, our subconscious mind is most receptive.

* Proclaiming gratitude keeps us humble and reminds us of all the good things in our lives.

2. Escape negative thoughts and feelings. More than likely your life is extremely hectic and stress-filled. It’s easy to become frustrated and negative about a lot of issues and situations. According to the principles of the Law of Attraction, we must redirect these feelings immediately. Remember that positive attracts positive, but we also must not forget that negative attracts negative.

* Because of this, if we focus only on the negative, we’ll only attract negative things back into our existence. For example, if you’re in a long supermarket line, instead of thinking about how much you hate food shopping, think of your kids’ faces when you make their favorite meal.

* There are many people in this world who live a positive existence; those are the kind of people you must emulate.

3. Voice what you want. As per the Law of Attraction, if you request something, it will be brought to you. Do you want happy children, more money, love, and a well-paid job? All this can be yours, but you need to request this through your subconscious.

* For instance, if you’d like love brought into your existence, you must truly picture yourself with love in your life. Imagine how happy you are, the smiles on your faces, and enjoying things together.

* Just remember that you must request this sincerely. Only true positive energy will attract back more positive things. You can’t fake it!

The Law of Attraction proves to us that our subconscious is a powerful tool. It’s a tool that can provide us with everything our heart desires if we know how to use it correctly. Incorporate the principles of the Law of Attraction, and with an open heart, you can have a happy and fulfilling life.

Top 10 Success Factors

Success is something we all look for whether it is a successful career, relationship, family, or life. You may see your success in the form of a rewarding career, a loving family, or a cottage home in the country.

We all have our own dreams and ideals, but what are the top 10 contributing factors to creating your very own success story? Let’s go through them now.

1. Health: Your health (and the health of your loved ones) is the most important part of success. If money can’t buy you happiness, then it can’t buy you perfect health either. With disease, illness, and uncontrollable health concerns out there, simply living a healthy, long life is a huge success in itself!

2. Healthy Relationships: Learning how to approach, attain, and maximize the different types of relationships in your life is key to success. Whether you seek to build a rock-solid foundation with your spouse, children, family, or friends, having and maintaining healthy, happy relationships will bolster your quality of life and give you renewed meaning.

3. Financial Security: Financial security is one of those factors of success that is often pointed to as the only factor, but that’s not true. No matter how much money you make, success cannot be defined in dollars, after all, what value does money have if you have no one to share it with? 

Financial security comes when you have enough to provide for your home and family, while also being able to comfortably save for extras, such as vacations and other high-ticket items. The key understanding here is that financial security is just one part of happiness and success. There’s more to life than excessive wealth!

4. Career Excellency: Financial security and an impassioned career go hand-in-hand. Since you spend a significant portion of your life working, it’s important to embrace a career path that makes you feel smart, capable, and fulfilled. When you do this, you’ll add another facet to your success story.

5. Quality Time: Life success comes in the form of time as well. We all desire more time to enjoy the finer things in life. Do you spend most of your time at work? Most do, however, do you have enough time with your family and loved ones? A life with time well spent and no regrets is an important aspect to your success.

6. Stress Levels: Are you constantly stressed out about your work, money, or relationships? Learning how to manage stress is an integral part of your health and life success. After all, stress may lead to chronic illnesses that may shorten your quality of life.

7. Perspective: Perspective is a huge factor in determining your life success. The way you handle the little and not-so-little setbacks that come your way is very telling of how you view your quality of life. Keeping a positive mindset despite circumstances and learning from setbacks can set you far apart from someone not reaching for life success.

8. Learning and Growth: Learning from every situation is central to creating and enjoying a successful life. Value everything you come in contact with, every person, every lesson, and every bit of advice.

9. Understanding: Becoming a more understanding and sympathetic person in life allows you the ability to become more connected to the people around you, both the ones you know and the ones you don’t. Knowing that we all have struggles and baggage to contend with on a daily basis will help you treat others with more understanding and care.

10. Living in the Present: One of the most necessary aspects of life success is being able to live in the present moment. We cannot be in constant pursuit of some future “perfect” moment when there is already so much perfection and beauty in our lives today. Being able to recognize what you have now is the key to life success above all.