5 Strategies to Keep Extreme Pressure Under Control

Pressure comes in many forms. Some of it can be beneficial, like the pressure that inspires you to perform well. But some pressure can be crippling, to the point where it’s so extreme that you no longer know how you can bear up under it. What can you do when the pressure is so intense that you don’t know what to do?

1. Remember the phrase, ‘Not my monkeys, not my circus.’ Not all pressure is yours to bear. It could be some of it can be delegated to someone else. Or perhaps it was never your responsibility in the first place. Examine the causes of pressure. Are there things you can remove? Are there things that you’re holding onto that were never yours? Then let go of what you can.

2. Create a support system. Having people you can talk to is crucial in handling intense pressure. But you need a network made up of a variety of people including:

  • Friends
  • Relatives
  • Co-workers
  • Mentors
  • Sometimes even professionals in the form of therapists or counselors

The important thing to remember is that all of these are relationships you need to cultivate, especially in times of low pressure. After all, you can’t expect people to be there for you when you haven’t been there for them.

3. Renew yourself physically. Extreme stress is going to eat away at your resources, leaving you exhausted mentally and physically. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself so that you’re strong enough to rise to the challenge when you need to. This care comes in many forms.

  • Eating correctly. Putting healthy things into your body provides the energy you need.
  • Exercise. Positive body motion not only builds strength and muscle but also affects your brain chemistry in positive ways. It adds dopamine and endorphins to an overloaded system, therefore taking the stress off.
  • Adequate sleep. You’ll be needing 7-9 hours a day of sleep to leave you feeling restored and ready to go.

4. Renew yourself mentally. Indulge in a hobby or other restful pastime. Or schedule in some ‘me time’ for a massage or a fun night out with friends. These mental health breaks help keep the pressure in perspective so that it doesn’t overtake your life.

5. Become more Zen. By not letting things get to you, you can look at a situation clearly, and make decisions that will help you to move forward. Allow the pressure to flow over you, but do not take it into yourself or define yourself by it.

Extreme pressure doesn’t have to rule your life. Using strategic thinking will help to keep you focused and on track, without letting the pressure rule your life or worse, overwhelming you completely.

Steps you Need to Take Before Taking Massive Action


Many people get an idea and then immediately start taking action. The problem is, a lot of these folks never finish what they start. They have a great many unfinished projects, but not the staying power to make their goals happen in the real world. To ensure you don’t end up as one of these people, there are certain things you should do before you start taking massive action. While taking these steps won’t guarantee that you will make your dream a reality, they certainly give you a much better chance of success!

Make a commitment

No goal will ever be reached without a firm commitment. Know going in that there will be tough times, setbacks and sacrifices you need to make to reach your goal through massive action steps. Decide if it’s worth the hard work it will take before you get started.

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Do your research

Many things you want to tackle are going to need some research before you can determine a plan or strategy. Stay focused as you do the research necessary, but do allow a few tangents if you feel they would be valuable in helping you determine how to best go about taking massive action to meet your goal. You may need to have a time frame in mind of how long you will research, however. It can feel safe to stay in this phase instead of stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking action. Many people never get past this stage, so keep that firmly in mind as you begin.

Make a plan

Once you’ve done your homework, it’s time to create a plan of attack. What should you do first? What’s a reasonable timeline for completing your goal? Will going about it this way or that be better for you. Definitely take the advice of others who have come before you, but remember that just because you do it differently than they did doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong. Use your instinct to plan out your strategy since only you can decide what’s best for your life.

Write down your goals and objectives

It’s fine to think about your goals and objectives–I mean, you have to start somewhere. But don’t stop there. Write down your goals and objectives in as much detail as possible and keep the paper handy. You will need to refer to it before making decisions about future actions or when you get off track and need to remind yourself of why you started the project to begin with.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else’s?


It’s not easy to find your way through the world. You might have interests that don’t coincide with the values of your parents or with those of western society.

It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and while the status quo might work for the majority of the population, it doesn’t work for everyone.

To have a truly fulfilling life, you must live it on your own terms.

There are plenty of forces willing to tell you what your path should be:

  1. Parents. Your parents want you to be happy and successful. Many of them also want to be able to brag to their friends about their children. They also don’t want to be supporting you financially when you’re in your 30’s.

    • Parents tend to be practical in their advice. Just remember that you’d have a similar life to them if you followed their advice. That might be good or bad.

    • Keep in mind that you are not the same as your parents. You also have your own life to live.

  2. Educational system. The educational system wants to turn out productive people into society that conform to their ways of thinking. This might be great for society, but it might not be in your best interests.

    • What if you want to be a rockstar, or take a few years to travel and write a book, own a llama farm, or become a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka? Your school guidance counselor might be less than supportive.

  3. Society as a whole. We live in a society that values achievement, financial resources, and personal possessions. We’re supposed to get married to a beautiful partner, have a few kids, and live in the suburbs.

    • It’s natural to want to play that game, even if it doesn’t quite suit our true nature. It’s nice to have the admiration of society. Our egos crave this type of recognition.

    • But the type of life dictated by society isn’t a good fit for everyone. There are plenty of people that are highly successful by society’s criteria that are absolutely miserable.

Plenty of people are willing to influence your choice of lifestyle and career. It’s unlikely their advice will be optimal for you. Be an individual and find the path that works best for you.

Find and follow your own path with these strategies:

  1. Ask yourself what you really want to do. Don’t say that you don’t know, because you do know. You’re just afraid to allow it to see the light of day. You might be concerned what others think, or you might be afraid that you’re not capable of doing it. Deep down, you know what you want.

    • Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything, and then listen to the answer.

  2. Decide that you’re going to follow your path. One of the biggest obstacles to success is failing to make a true decision. A decision only occurs when you shut yourself off to other possibilities. If you frequently change your mind, you’re not making true decisions.

  3. Make a plan. Set up a schedule of daily tasks that will bring you closer to living the life that you have chosen. You’re practically guaranteed success provided you don’t give up.

Your life is your responsibility. If you find yourself stuck living someone else’s definition of success, you’ll find yourself all alone. The people that influenced you to live this way will be off living their own lives.

Take control of your destiny and find your own path. Your life will be more interesting, more satisfying, and uniquely your own!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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Stop Relying Too Much on Others


If you have difficulty trusting yourself, the problem may be that you are too dependent on others. When this happens, you tend to let the situation grow and become further dependent on more and more people. That presents a problem when called upon to handle situations on your own.

Have you ever let someone else take over a part of your job? While you may feel a temporary relief when this happens, you could be setting yourself up for future failure. The reason why it happened is that you didn’t trust that you could do the job yourself.

The above scenario often happens when you are asked to do something outside of your comfort zone. Perhaps, your boss wants to test how you will handle a situation that is new. He or she gives you an assignment knowing that you have never dealt with it before.

It’s natural to ask others for help when you find yourself in unfamiliar territory. There is nothing wrong with doing this. However, if you simply let others solve the problems or handle the situations for you, you cannot grow from this. You will never develop the trust in yourself to handle new situations. Your manager will see that you, in essence, passed the assignment onto someone else, whether directly or indirectly. Your manager will not look kindly on this development.

When presented with something that you haven’t experienced before, maintain a positive attitude. Always be willing to try even if you make mistakes. The mistakes are the tools for you to learn. When you do make those mistakes, ask what you did wrong. Over time, those mistakes will get less and less, and you will begin to trust that you can handle the situations.

A subtle consequence will result from trying something new. You will prove that you can handle new tasks and develop new skills. That is enlightening and is a big factor in developing trust in yourself.

Every skill you are now good at and find easy you probably struggled with at the start. If you keep this in mind, you will give yourself over to trusting that you can handle anything that comes your way. You won’t need to rely on others as much. You still should ask questions when you are unsure about something. That is another part of how you learn. Some people may give you a hard time because it’s inconvenient. But, you will find most people want to help you succeed. It helps them when you get up to speed with new skills.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at https://pixabay.com/en/self-care-umbrella-protection-2904778/

Big Success Towards Your Goals From Small Achievements

How Small Achievements Lead to Big Success

People dream big all the time. But it’s the people that take action to reach their goals that truly succeed in life. It’s a huge task to take on, but when you break down your journey into simple steps, anything is achievable. Decide on your goal and follow through, it really can be as simple as that.

The Big Picture

It truly doesn’t matter what your goal is, you can achieve it by combining the will to succeed with action. There are many possible excuses and many people that will try to bring you down, it’s just the way life is. While these things may not change, your attitude can.

The first thing you need to do is create a personal definition of success. What are you trying to do? What is your ultimate goal?

Remember, the answer can be anything your heart desires. Maybe you want to start a video game development business, or maybe you want to be an Olympic swimmer. Everyone is different, but it’s important to have a well-defined goal. Don’t be afraid to be specific and to list a goal even if you’re lacking the confidence to achieve it.

The Process

After you have your definition of success, it’s time to break it down and make it happen. Success will happen just by completing one small task at a time from your plan.

Let’s say your ultimate goal is to own a video game development business. You currently work at a dead end job and you have little revenue to use towards your goal, so you assume it’ll never happen and you just go about your day. But what if you took just 20 minutes each day and worked toward your goal?

Here are some of the things you might accomplish:

1. You can research how much money it would take to start up your business.

2. You can learn the ins and outs of the industry by reviewing different courses and training programs.

3. You can make appointments to meet with banks or companies as potential investors.

4. You can contact independent game developers that may be willing to take on extra work at a reasonable cost.

5. You can research and formulate marketing tactics.

6. You can create a 5-year plan.

While the business entails a great deal more than these 6 steps, you get the idea of what it means to break down a huge task into smaller parts. If you don’t break it down, it’ll seem too overwhelming and you won’t even know where to start – so you won’t get started at all!

But when you decide to spend a little time on a small project, like researching marketing tactics and saving some web links, that’s definitely something you can accomplish in an afternoon. And it brings you one step closer to your goal.

Something Is Always Better Than Nothing

You now know that some action is always better than no action towards your goal. It may sound trite, but you’ll never get there if you don’t try. Just think of how far along you might be if you spend 20 minutes a day on your goal for a whole year. That’s a great deal of small, manageable projects!

You owe it to yourself to make your dreams come true, so go get started!

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of hitting 50 hours of coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?