5 Things You Can Do Today to Handle Daily Pressure

Every day you have challenges thrown at you. More often than not, these challenges come with a certain amount of pressure. Some pressure is a good thing as it gives you that push to get things done. But other times, pressure can become uncomfortable, or even unbearable resulting in physical problems such as stress and anxiety. To help keep that kind of tension from ruling your life, read on to find some quick and easy things you can do right now, today, to help you handle daily pressure.

1. Practice ‘box breathing.’ You’ve probably already heard it a million times but taking a deep breath when feeling pressured is a great way to find your center. But did you realize that most of us are doing it all wrong? To truly come down from an anxious situation, try what’s called ‘box breathing’ which is a tactical breathing technique learned by those in law enforcement or the military. Called because boxes have four sides, this technique likewise is based on fours.

  • Start with taking a deep breath in, drawing air into your lungs for 4 seconds.
  • Hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds without breathing out.
  • Then breath out slowly for 4 seconds
  • Then stop, holding your lungs empty of air for 4 seconds.

By repeating these steps, you will enter a place of tranquil calm. Useful in meditating, box breathing will restore your calm when you need it most.

2. Force yourself to yawn. By spending 60 seconds forcing yourself to yawn, you will not only reduce pressure, but you’ll come out more energized and alert.

3. Take a walk. Even just getting up and moving around for 5 minutes every hour is enough to have a deep and positive impact on your life. By exercising, you release endorphins that affect mood. It’s hard to feel pressure when you’re up and moving.

4. Learn to say no. A lot of pressure comes from being overextended. Carefully evaluate what you can honestly get done in a day but also realize what you want to get done. It becomes easier to say ‘no’ to those things that just don’t fit.

5. Practice gratitude. Sometimes easing the pressure is as simple as remembering to be thankful for what you do have.

You’ll never escape daily pressure completely, but by being conscious of you how to deal with it, you can reduce it significantly. It is possible to ‘stay calm and carry on.’

Stress and Health

Stress. We are all exposed to it daily, some more than others.

Learn how your health is affected by exposure to chronic and excessive stress. Discover how your body reacts to the daily stress that it is subjected to at work and by life in general.

Learning what is happening to your mind and body when experiencing chronic stress is the first step in identifying the triggers the are causing you the stress so that you can reduce or eliminate these triggers from your life.

This book “How Chronic Stress Affects Your Health

can help by giving you the basic understanding of the causes of stress as well as giving you some advice and tips on how you can start to eliminate stress from your life and be more comfortable and enjoy life’s journey to the fullest.

To your heath

Michael W

Being Appreciative Can Lower Your Stress


Did you know that when you appreciate the small items in your life, you are less likely to be stressed out? It makes sense when you think about it. People who are high-strung will get upset about every little item. They don’t appreciate these aspects, and it causes them to blow up at every opportunity they get.

Contrast this with people who appreciate the small things. They aren’t going to let little situations bother them. In fact, it’s those little things that they learn to enjoy and embrace. For instance, at work suppose there is a problem with the shipment of an order. The high-strung individual is going to blow things out of proportion and yell at everyone to get it fixed. The appreciative person is going to calmly figure out how to solve the problem and work with people to make the situation right. They will also think it’s not that big of a deal and is happy to have the job they have.

Who would you rather associate with, the high-strung person who doesn’t appreciate anything or the person that appreciates everything? It’s likely you chose the appreciative person. This person will also be able to handle major issues since he or she is at ease handling the minor ones.

It is true that appreciative people have lower stress than people who are not. However, this is not a way to reduce stress completely. Appreciative people still need to eat correctly and exercise well. These people are probably already doing that because they love life and want to prolong it. Even if there is room for improvement in that area, appreciative people will quickly adapt because they have the right attitude.

If you are hot-headed about every little item, it’s time to reevaluate this stance. Be grateful for what you have and who you have. When you take the time to be grateful, you will start to relax as a byproduct of this change. You’ll stop jumping to conclusions, and you’ll look for ways to solve problems in a relaxed manner.

You can also use exercise and relaxation techniques such as meditation and massage. Keep trying different ways to relax but above all, be appreciative of your entire life. Others will be attracted towards you as they key off your positive energy. They will also be more willing to follow your lead.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at https://pixabay.com/en/love-valentine-card-relationship-2012006/

5 Quick Stress Busters.


Stress is fast becoming the biggest health problem in modern societies. Financial pressures, work pressures, family pressures – so much to do so little time to do it all! Here are five quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress:

1. Make time to switch off from the daily trials and tribulations and relax for at least one hour every day. Just shut the world out and do something you enjoy. Reading, playing a musical instrument, taking a relaxing bath with music and candles (and maybe a glass of wine) are all great ways to unwind and will be extremely beneficial to your mental health.

2. If you’re dealing with a stressful situation and you have a lot on your plate then it can be very hard to find solutions. You’re caught up in the midst of a sandstorm and it is very difficult to see the way out. A good idea is to get some distance from your problems so you can gather your thoughts. If possible, take a day or even a weekend away from your usual surroundings, somewhere peaceful, and relax. Take a journal along so you can jot down any ideas. Distance away from problems can bring clarity and by relaxing, you’ll be calmer and solutions will come far easier than when you’re in the heat of battle.

3. One of the reasons people become stressed is because they are facing a change or even a number of changes to their lives. Change is a constant in life and refusing to accept change can cause stress levels to soar. When you are faced with a change, try to find the positives associated with change and embrace change instead of resisting it. Every change presents an opportunity for you to grow and there are always positives to find in even the most trying of circumstances. Change doesn’t bring stress, it’s all about how you react to change and if you react in a negative way, you will do yourself no end of harm.

4. There always seems to be an endless list of jobs that need doing: repairs around the home, paperwork, car maintenance, throwing out junk, cleaning the patio, weeding the garden – on and on and on! The more we put them off, the more the list grows and the more they contribute to your stress levels. So make a list of all of these chores and then schedule something I call a “Blitz Day”. On this day, you will rise early and spend the whole day sorting out each of these jobs. Take few breaks and only have a quick bite at lunchtime and just blitz through these irritating but necessary tasks. This will get rid of them, you’ll lower the stress they cause but more importantly, you’ll realize just how effective and industrious you can be when you apply the full force of your will to accomplish things.

5. Treat yourself to a pamper day. This is a day where you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday living and enjoy some stress-free time. You’ll also feel great and give your well being a huge boost. On this day, have a light workout, a swim, a sauna, a Jacuzzi, a steam room. A massage would be nice and if you have access to one, a Turkish baths will give you an invigorating experience. Try to do this at least once a month, it is an excellent stress-buster.

The 5 Tips here will help you to significantly reduce your stress levels but they’ll only work for you if you put them into action. Give them a go – you’ll be amazed at the results!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

Feature photo used under CCO and available at https://pixabay.com/en/cat-mieze-cat-s-eyes-pride-kitten-2360863/

Stress Reduction After The Holidays

The holidays are over but the STRESS remains

Well you made it through another holiday season and are ready to start the new year with a lot of enthusiasm and vigor.

But just because the holidays are over and everything is getting “back to normal” that doesn’t mean that the stress disappears.

Now instead of family and friends stress you have work related stress. This can be the worst stress of all.

How do you cope? What can you do to alleviate the stress and get your life back on-track and be relatively stress free?

One method is to learn all about stress and the methods that you can employ to reduce or even eliminate bad stress without using any medicine or drugs.

We suggest that you look at:


A collection of articles to help you understand and overcome the effects of stress on your life.

stress cover

You will learn about the different ways that stress can affect your life and what you can do to reduce or eliminate the bad stress so that you can live a more enjoyable life.

Check out the book by clicking on the cover above or the button below:

get started

You deserve to be stress free or at least stress reduced in your life and this book an help you to achieve that state of being.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W