Staying Motivated

staying motivated

You are losing interest in your project and you are only halfway through. You know that your motivation is going to be gone and you are helpless to stop it. You can try the following to help you stay motivated and stay on track through the rest of your project.

Visualize your success. You need to see yourself accomplishing your task to your satisfaction by the end of the project. This is important since what we tell ourselves will happen and will happen exactly as we tell ourselves. If your thoughts are about failure, you are already likely to fail. If you visualize yourself at the finish line and the project successfully finished, you are more likely to succeed. Keep the images in your head positive and just keep going.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at


These are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Stop worrying. While this is easier said than done, the more you worry, the more you derail your motivation, energy and enthusiasm that you had for the project. To stop worrying, you need to take a critical look at what you are doing and ask if there are things that you could change. If there are things that can be changed, change them, if not, let them go. You don’t get caught up in worrying if you are motivated, you make it a habit of looking to the future.

Be consistent in action. Staying motivated means setting positive goals and taking consistent action. When neglected, motivation drops. You want to make sure that you keep the energy on the project going where it will do the most good. You need to make sure that you are always moving forward. You need to check your motivation daily and do what needs to be done to keep those levels high. If you are taking the weekend off from work, you should take a few minutes to think about your project. You just need to remind yourself that you are excited about going back to work on Monday. This will keep your motivation and interest high even if you are not working.

Who are you around? Check to see who you with if your motivation is still not good. You may have too many negative influences in your life. Try surrounding yourself with positive people and highly motivated people. Their positive energy will rub off on you.

Keep your environment positive. Motivation thrives in a positive environment. You can listen to motivational music, use positive affirmations, read or listen to motivational materials. These will help you to get back into your project. When you continue to feed yourself a diet of motivational material you will continue to stay motivated.

It doesn’t have to be an impossible task to stay motivated. You will stay on track if you pay attention to some details that will help you get to the finish line of your task. You will get where you want to go when you are mindful of what you are doing and having lots of positive influences.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach to remove your pain points, can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W

P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching

Photo by Sid Suratia on Unsplash

Reducing Procrastination


Procrastination develops over time and can lead to other conditions in your life. It isn’t only a symptom of things it is a condition. If you are a procrastinator, you should stop and ask yourself what you are putting off and if it is even worth doing.

You can deal with the habit of procrastination if you accept that it is more than an annoyance and learn and develop more effective time management skills.

To defeat procrastination, you have to realize that you are doing it and why.

You should ask yourself why you procrastinate. For some, it is a method they use to make themselves feel that they are actually accomplishing something. Others use it as a method to cope and a way to divert their attention from an unpleasant or painful task.

Here are some tips that you can use to reduce your procrastination and start to regain control of your time.

Identify that you have this habit. When you re-prioritize your workload you may find that this is part of the habit. If you do delay an essential task for a good reason, you are not engaging in procrastination.

  • If you never get back to these tasks to complete them, or you keep busy focusing on other less important tasks, them procrastination is the issue.
  • Some of the following indicate that you are procrastinating: your day is filled with non-urgent tasks, you read the same emails throughout the day but don’t act on them.
  • You are also procrastinating if you start a task but then go to get a coffee. If you never return to the task, you are procrastinating.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts at

podcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Start to work. You are procrastinating if you spend time deciding to take action. Stop deciding and take the action to get the work finished. If you let it slide, you will regret it.

  • This is a practical tip because it helps you take the first step which is usually the hardest. After that the rest becomes more straightforward.

  • As an example, starting to push a car is the most challenging. It becomes more manageable once you get it started moving. You need to apply this to your work.
  • Even a small first step is good. The step may not be the most significant that you have ever taken, but it gets you moving and you will gain momentum.

Willpower is not the answer. You procrastinate, not only from what comes from within you, but also as a result of your environment. If you don’t feel supported in your environment, you won’t feel welcomed.

You don’t realize all of your intentions if you are in that type of environment. You need to ask yourself what do you need to enable you to achieve your goals? When you know that, make a list of the steps needed to achieve those goals.

  • When the steps are known then you need to get started on those steps, one at a time. You will soon be moving towards your goals one step after another. Some people believe that willpower is all that they need.
  • Willpower is only one type of motivation. Willpower can only be used until you feel wiped out.
  • It is challenging to get your motivation to start up again once your willpower runs out. This is why you need to think about your goals, plan the steps needed to achieve those goals.
  • After that planning is done, take those steps and don’t focus on any of the unpleasant aspects.

Procrastination is linked to a lack of motivation. You will be less like to engage in procrastination if you become more preoccupied with your goals. That is a good reason to set motivational goals.

Planning is also a good idea as this will reduce the need for lots of willpower. Using willpower to complete a task is challenging so planning can make things a lot easier. You need to remove procrastination to be more productive as many factors contribute to your overall success.

You can ask for help, since many people procrastinate as they don’t want to ask for help. If you need help, you can talk to friends, your family or your colleagues to get the help you need to complete your tasks.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W

P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

A Foolproof Formula for Finding Your Flow State


According to the old saying, time flies when you’re having fun. The same thing happens when you’re in a state of flow.

That’s the term coined by the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow describes an experience where you lose yourself in what you’re doing. You feel totally immersed and engaged.

There are even changes in your brain activity, like increased dopamine levels that are associated with enjoyment and motivation.

If you’ve experienced the exhilaration for yourself, you probably want more such moments. Try this foolproof formula for finding your sense of flow.

Benefits of a Flow State

There are many compelling reasons for trying to introduce more flow into your life.

Consider these important advantages:

  1. Boost your mood. Sometimes you have to push yourself to do things that will eventually increase your well-being. However, flow feels a lot more pleasant than visiting the dentist, so you’ll be happier right away.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

  1. Manage stress. At the end of a busy day, you might want to sit down and relax. However, challenging yourself with something you find rewarding can sometimes be more effective than taking it easy. Try working on your hobbies instead of watching TV.
  2. Build your confidence. Flow helps you to discover your strengths and maximize them. You start accomplishing more when you focus on activities that you love and excel at. Soon, you’ll find it easier to believe in yourself and your abilities.
  3. Enhance your performance. Think about those moments when you’re at your peak. You’re more likely to excel when you’re working with passion and purpose.

Activities that Help Promote Flow

Depending on your approach, almost anything you do can give you feelings of flow.

These are a few of the most popular areas if you’re looking for where to begin:

  1. Express your creativity. Earn a living making art or do it as a pastime. Choose a medium that you find exciting. You might write a novel or paint landscapes.
  2. Play sports. Lead a more active life. Join the office softball team or sign up for a volleyball league with a community group. Train to compete at the Olympics or complete a 5K run for your favourite charity.
  3. Pursue your education. Add to your knowledge and skills. Take business courses that you need for your job or study subjects just for the pleasure of learning. Teach what you know at a nearby senior centre or online academy.
  4. Advance your career. Only 36% of U.S. employees feel engaged at work, according to a 2020 Gallup poll. Ensure that you’re one of them. Think about the meaning behind your tasks. Try to structure your job in a way that allows you to apply your strengths.

Other Tips for Creating a Flow State

Once you’ve established your priorities, experiment with different strategies. Flow is a skill you can develop with practice.

Try these techniques:

  1. Seek balance. Flow usually happens when you’re doing something that’s challenging, but within reach. Having an accurate sense of your capabilities enables you to aim high without overwhelming yourself.
  2. Set specific goals. You’re more likely to reach your targets if you make concrete plans and write them down. Be precise about details and dates.
  3. Limit distractions. Focus on one thing at a time. Take a break from your phone and other devices for at least an hour each day.
  4. Appreciate the journey. Cultivating flow does more than deliver positive results. Remember to savor the trip as much as the destination.

Spend more time on activities that bring you happiness and help you to use your personal strengths. Encouraging a state of flow will make your life more satisfying and enable you to achieve more.

To work together to develop your Flow in life and understand how being in Flow can benefit you, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” nowGoing alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:Confidence and Life Coaching


Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay





Add Purpose to Your Life With These Strategies

life purpose

A person without a purpose is usually not happy or content. They are constantly looking for excuses to justify not doing anything with their lives. They don’t have any direction because they think the world owes them something.

And they explain everything wrong with their life by trying to find a way out. That does not mean it’s intentional. No one sets out to live a life without any purpose. They are driven by their circumstances or by someone or something else.

You know you lack a sense of purpose when you don’t feel satisfied with what you have and are always looking for more, even though you don’t realize it.

So how can you break that cycle of a lack of purpose? Try these strategies:

  1. Take a well-deserved break. Having a break from your daily life can do wonders for your mood. Often, when you don’t feel like doing anything, you might be burned out or just stressed. A break helps recharge your batteries and gives you a new perspective.
    • Give yourself a mental health day. On the said day, decide to let go of what you think you’re supposed to do and focus on what makes you happy.
    • Many people believe that success is just outside our comfort zone. That may be true in some circumstances. But when you’re in a cycle of a lack of purpose, a good break is just what you need to recharge your batteries.
    • Taking a break can allow you to discover your true purpose in life. You will then feel motivated to do more.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

  1. Follow things that interest you. Many people have interests they’d like to pursue but don’t. They ignore those interests because it seems like a waste of time.
    • The truth is that stringing together your hobbies and interests can help you discover your purpose.
    • For example, if you love video games, try to build an online video game store using Shopify and start selling video games.
    • If you love jewellery, start a jewellery business online. If you love photography, create your own photography business. And if you love graphic design, design business cards, brochures, and other materials.
    • That’s not to say your purpose needs to relate to money. But it should relate to something you’re passionate about. You want a purpose that excites you.
  1. Admit that you’re stuck. The thing with getting stuck in a cycle is, you don’t notice it. The feelings slowly build up, and before you know it, you’ve become apathetic. You begin to feel like everything you do is just killing time.
    • Then those feelings turn into depression, anxiety, and discouragement. Regardless of how hard you try, the cycle keeps repeating itself. Don’t blame yourself for feeling like you do.
    • The loop won’t change until you recognize it for what it is. And once you do, you can break it for good.
  1. Follow artistic endeavours. Many people turn to art as a way of expressing their feelings. Writing poetry, painting, or sculpting can help you unlock feelings you were too afraid to feel.
    • When you express those emotions, you’ll break that cycle and feel more passionate about things in your life again.
    • Exercising your artistic side also helps because physical activity makes you feel better, giving you more purpose.
    • The goal isn’t to sell your works of art or make a name for yourself but to enjoy yourself.
  1. Don’t hesitate to speak to others. The pandemic has made it difficult to move freely and interact with friends and loved ones. If you’re feeling isolated, try reaching out to someone, even if only by phone.

Finding your purpose is essential to living a life that pleases you.

It’s not at all uncommon to get lost in life by your circumstances. And while feeling this way can be discouraging, it doesn’t have to be. There are always ways out of it by finding purpose in your life!

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” nowGoing alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching




Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash



Own the Day and You Own Your Life


Each passing day can seem inconsequential, but the totality of your days is your life. So, each day matters a lot. If you can get the most out of each day, you’re going to have an amazing life!

However, conquering the day doesn’t happen by accident. It requires focus and intention.

Learn how to master the day and in turn, your life:

  1. Realize the power of each day. A day doesn’t seem like much. You’ve experienced plenty of long days where it seemed you accomplished nothing. It’s true that a single day might mean a lot, but a small amount of progress each day can result in a dramatically different future.
    • Realize the power and potential of each day and be determined to make the most of it.

To help me to better plan this blog and other material, I invite you to take a quick 1-question survey by clicking on the photo below.

we hear you

  1. Have a plan for the day. Have a detailed plan for the day and for the week before you even think about going to bed at night. When you wake up, grab your list of to-do items and get busy as soon as possible.
    • There’s an added bonus to planning out your day the night before. Your brain has a chance to think about your list of items as you sleep. Your brain will predict the challenges you’re likely to face and have a few solutions in mind.
    • Try it and you’ll find that your day goes much more smoothly.

  2. Wake up earlier. If you want to own the day, get started early. Successful people tend to get up pretty early. How successful do you want to be? A successful person doesn’t scramble around in the morning trying to find a pair of clean socks. Start your day as early as possible and grab it by the throat.
  3. What are you going to do for the next hour? Ask yourself this important question each hour. Whether your objective is to write a report, return phone calls, or enjoy your favourite movie as much as possible, identify what you’re trying to accomplish and focus on doing it. Keep your mind on the identified task.
  4. Take breaks. You can get more accomplished each day if you take planned breaks. Working nonstop leads to slowing down later in the day. You’ll ultimately accomplish more if you take a break every couple of hours.
  5. Remove distractions. Distractions will prevent you from owning the day and from owning your life. There’s no reason to rely on your will power to avoid the distractions in your environment if you have the ability to remove them instead.
    • Avoid trying to be tough and stoic. Just remove the distractions to the best of your ability.
  6. You had a good day, but it could have been even better. Figure out what you could have done differently. Make a new plan for tomorrow and include this knowledge.
    • Reviewing your day is a pivotal part of developing your approach to life. So many people simply repeat the same mediocre days over and over. Mediocre days lead to a mediocre life.

Are you getting the most from each day of your life? Do you have a plan for the day? For the week? What are you committed to accomplishing today? What time did you get up today?

An amazing life is the result of amazing days. Spending your day focused on activities that lead to accomplishing your goals qualifies as an amazing day. An amazing life can be yours, but you have to create it one day at a time.

To work together to help you get the most out of your day, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” call.

book now

Going alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. What is holding you back from achieving the success in your life and career? For many people it is their Limiting Beliefs. Once you understand and remove your old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs, success becomes that much easier.

Check out my basic Limiting Belief, self-paced program at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below. This program will get you started on identifying 14 of the most common limiting beliefs, you will probably be familiar with some of them, and will give empowering beliefs to replace them in your life if you have them.

After completing the course, you will be at the starting point of your success journey.

Limiting belief



Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash