Strategies for a Harmonious Life

life balance

In the relentless quest for success, the concept of a balanced life often appears to be an elusive ideal. There is a prevailing belief that achieving extraordinary success necessitates an all-consuming focus, which can lead to a lopsided existence devoid of balance. Indeed, many individuals who have reached the zenith of their careers exhibit lives that are anything but balanced, and not uncommonly, their personal satisfaction suffers as a result.

However, it is possible to reach a significant level of achievement while also cherishing and nurturing the various facets of life that hold the greatest value for you.

Confidence in your abilities to go after your goals can sometimes be difficult to find or keep.

It can sometimes take time to discover the confidence you have inside you. This can be especially true if you are trying something new.

I have a program that can help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals as well as help you set an attainable goal related to where you are in your life and where you are trying to be.

This program also works with you to build up your confidence in being able to reach your goal.

You can find out more about this program at Confidology, a funny name but a serious program.

You can contact me to talk about this or any other aspect of confidence and success at

Visit the site and read through the program description.

Proven Methods to Cultivate Life Balance:

Prioritize Your Time

  • Eliminate the Superfluous: Assess how you allocate your time weekly. Identify and eliminate activities that do not enhance your life.
  • Minimize Time Wasters: Reflect on activities that do not contribute meaningfully to your life, such as excessive television viewing or aimless internet browsing. Reclaiming this time can lead to a more balanced existence.

Establish and Adhere to Priorities

  • Define Your Balance: Balance is subjective. Determine what is most vital in your life and allocate your time accordingly.
  • Elevate Your Health: Prioritizing health can have a ripple effect, improving other areas of life. Proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest are foundational to maintaining balance.

Manage Your Time Effectively

  • Strategic Planning: Organize your week and each day in advance. A clear plan enables you to utilize your time efficiently.
  • Concentrate on Key Tasks: Identify tasks that have the greatest impact. Focusing on these over less critical activities can save time and contribute to a balanced life.

Continuous Assessment and Realistic Expectations

  • Regular Reviews: Life is ever-changing. Regularly evaluate your life’€™s balance and adjust as needed to maintain equilibrium.
  • Set Feasible Goals: Recognize your limitations. Overextending yourself in one area often leads to neglect in another. Strive for a realistic harmony between personal, professional, and family commitments.

Achieving a balanced life is an ongoing challenge that varies with life’€™s stages. Whether you are a young adult juggling family responsibilities or someone seeking purpose post-retirement, the quest for balance is constant.

It is imperative to define what a balanced life signifies for you personally and to discover the unique blend that aligns with your values and aspirations.

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button nowDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S Don’t forget to visit Confidology to learn more about the program.

P.P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching

P.P.P.S. If you enjoy reading these articles on my blog, I have more books that have more of this type of information that you can find out more about at Books to Read. You can buy these ebooks books at many on-line books stores. The links to the bookstores are at the link above.

If you have an Amazon Kindle account, there are different books at Amazon – Michael W (author)




Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

7 Inspiring Ways to Maintain Your Motivation

motivationEver felt like you’re stuck in a rut, with your motivation meter hitting rock bottom? We’ve all been there, trust me. But here’s the good news: you can kick that lethargy to the curb and rev up your motivation engine. And no, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to do it. Let’s dive right in and explore seven simple yet effective strategies to keep your motivation soaring.

Confidence in your abilities to go after your goals can sometimes be difficult to find or keep.

It can sometimes take time to discover the confidence you have inside you. This can be especially true if you are trying something new.

I have a program that can help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals as well as help you set an attainable goal related to where you are in your life and where you are trying to be.

This program also works with you to build up your confidence in being able to reach your goal.

You can find out more about this program at Confidology, a funny name but a serious program.

You can contact me to talk about this or any other aspect of confidence and success at

Visit the site and read through the program description.

  1. The Power of Pain

Ever missed a deadline and felt the sting of disappointment? That’s pain at work, and it can be a powerful motivator. Think about the repercussions of not completing a task. Maybe it’s the mountain of pending work that’ll avalanche on you the next day, or the embarrassment of having guests over to a messy house. Use that discomfort as a springboard to propel you into action. After all, who wants to be buried under an avalanche, right?

  1. Pleasure: The Ultimate Carrot

On the flip side of the coin, there’s pleasure. Saving a few bucks each week might not give you a thrill, but imagine lounging on a sunny beach next year with those savings. Now, that’s a pretty picture, isn’t it? Keep your eyes on the prize and let the anticipation of that reward fuel your motivation. Picture the future you’re striving for and let it guide you through those mundane tasks.

  1. Bite-sized Goals: The Key to Consistency

Ever tried to eat a whole pizza in one bite? Not a pretty sight, I bet. The same goes for your goals. Long-term goals can be overwhelming and sap your motivation. So, why not slice them up into manageable, bite-sized pieces? Break down your year-long goals into smaller ones that can be achieved within a couple of months. It’s easier to stay motivated for a sprint than a marathon, don’t you think?

  1. Spice Up Your Tasks

Let’s face it, raking leaves isn’t exactly a party. But what if you could make it one? Pop in your favorite tunes or invite some friends over for a BBQ (and some leaf-raking action). Ask yourself, “How can I make this task more enjoyable?” You’d be surprised at the creative answers your brain can come up with!

  1. Reward Yourself: You Deserve It!

Would you go to work if there was no paycheck at the end of the month? Probably not. Rewards are powerful motivators. So, go ahead and treat yourself when you’ve achieved a goal. It could be as simple as a pat on the back or a favourite treat. Remember, progress is a reward in itself. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small!

  1. Breathe, Focus, Repeat

Ever tried juggling too many things at once? It’s a surefire way to drain your motivation. Keep your mind clear and focused on one task at a time. Consider it like a spotlight, illuminating one thing at a time. Meditation can be a great tool to help sharpen this focus. So, take a deep breath, and dive into your task with laser-like focus.

  1. Two is Better Than One

Ever noticed how going to the gym becomes easier when you have a workout buddy? The presence of another person can boost your commitment and motivation. So, why not find a motivation buddy? Reach out to a friend and keep each other accountable. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader!

The bottom line? Motivation isn’t some mystical force; it’s a tool that you can control and harness. With these strategies in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to conquering even the most daunting tasks. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get that motivation engine revving!

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button nowDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S Don’t forget to visit Confidology to learn more about the program.

P.P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching

P.P.P.S. I am offering a free, no obligation Wheel of Life consulting and exercise session for three people each day. You can book the session at




Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

Harnessing the Power of Productivity: Overcoming Procrastination


In the pursuit of professional and personal excellence, time management stands as a critical component of success. Procrastination, the stealthy thief of time, often undermines our best intentions and efforts. It erodes the very fabric of productivity and leaves a trail of missed opportunities and unmet goals. Yet, by implementing strategic measures, one can reclaim the lost territory from the clutches of this pervasive adversary.

Before you can start to plan your success goals, there are many things that you need to understand before you can be sure that the goals you set are really the ones you want.

One of those things is to determine if there are any Limiting Beliefs that can stop you from actually achieving those goals.

I have a self-study Limiting Belief Program that you can go through to determine what your Limiting Beliefs are and how you can remove them.

You can read more and register for the program at Limiting Beliefs Program on my Confidence and Life Coaching website.

Start your journey on your path to success by identifying and removing your Limiting Beliefs so that you make the journey a lot easier.

Strategies to Confront and Conquer Procrastination

The following methods have been curated to assist individuals in their quest to defeat procrastination and enhance their effectiveness in all endeavors.

Immediate Action: The Antidote to Delay

  • Embrace the Philosophy of Promptness
    • The moment an idea or task arises, spring into action. This immediate response circumvents the brain’s tendency to build resistance. Like a sprinter bursting from the blocks, you have a narrow window to launch forward before hesitation sets in.

Structured Time Blocks: The Framework for Focus

  • Employ the Power of Finite Scheduling
    • Allocate specific durations to tasks, creating a sense of urgency and a deadline-driven environment. This approach can transform an overwhelming project into manageable segments.
    • Utilize a timer to heighten concentration and spur a race against time, often leading to increased productivity and a surprising willingness to extend beyond the initial time frame.

Incremental Progress: The Journey of a Thousand Miles

  • Adopt the Principle of Small Beginnings
    • Overcome the inertia of inaction by committing to a minimal, non-intimidating portion of the task at hand. Whether it is a sentence or a paragraph, the act of starting can unleash a wave of continued effort.

Prioritizing Major Tasks: The First Strike

  • Confront the Giants Early
    • Tackle the most substantial and challenging tasks at the day’s inception. By doing so, you create a cascade of relief and motivation that carries you through the remainder of the day’s lighter duties.

Strategic Distraction Management: The Art of Delayed Gratification

  • Transform Distractions into Incentives
    • Identify the current sources of diversion and postpone them as a form of reward. This tactic not only preserves focus but also enhances the enjoyment of leisure activities, as they become well-deserved respites following productive work sessions.

Reflections on Procrastination’s Impact

Consider the extent to which procrastination permeates your life. How does it distort your potential and dilute your accomplishments? Envision the heights you could reach if procrastination’s grip were loosened.

Personalizing Your Procrastination Strategy

  • Experimentation Leads to Customization
    • Not all strategies resonate with everyone. It is crucial to experiment with various techniques and observe which ones align with your personal rhythm and preferences. The key lies in discovering the unique combination that catalyzes your productivity.

In conclusion, the battle against procrastination is not won through a singular approach but through a tailored, multifaceted strategy that evolves with your needs and circumstances. By integrating these methods into your routine, you can forge a path toward heightened efficiency and a more fulfilling, accomplished life.

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button nowDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching

P.P.S. I am offering a free, no obligation Wheel of Life consulting and exercise session for three people each day. You can book the session at




Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Turning Your Dreams into Reality

dreams to reality

Today, we’re going to dive into some strategies that can help you navigate the rocky road to success. Buckle up, and let’s hit the road!

Confidence in your abilities to go after your goals can sometimes be difficult to find or keep.

It can sometimes take time to discover the confidence you have inside you. This can be especially true if you are trying something new.

I have a program that can help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals as well as help you set an attainable goal related to where you are in your life and where you are trying to be.

This program also works with you to build up your confidence in being able to reach your goal.

You can find out more about this program at Confidology, a funny name but a serious program.

You can contact me to talk about this or any other aspect of confidence and success at

Visit the site and read through the program description.

1. Visualize Success: The Oprah Effect

Remember when Oprah Winfrey started her career as a radio host in Nashville? Fast forward a few decades, and she’s now a global media mogul. How did she do it? She visualized her success.

Now, I’m not saying you’re going to become the next Oprah, but visualization can be a powerful tool. It’s like a mental dress rehearsal, preparing you for the big show. But hey, it’s not just about picturing yourself in a corner office. It’s about feeling the emotions, the thrill, the satisfaction.

2. Set Your Goals: The Sky’s the Limit

Setting goals is like setting your GPS. You need to know where you’re going, right? Now, here’s the kicker: don’t be afraid to set unrealistic goals. Yes, you heard me right.

Think about it. If we only set goals we know we can achieve, where’s the challenge? Where’s the growth? So go ahead, shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

3. Stop Comparing, Start Growing

Let’s face it, the comparison game is a losing battle. There will always be someone smarter, richer, or more successful. But here’s the thing: their journey is not your journey.

So instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own growth. Remember, it’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.

4. No Excuses: The Road Less Travelled

When it comes to pursuing your dreams, there’s no room for excuses. Sure, the road to success is bumpy, filled with detours and roadblocks. But remember, the road less travelled often leads to the most beautiful destinations.

5. Seek Support: Your Personal Pit Crew

Nobody achieves success alone. We all need a pit crew, a team of supporters to help us when we’re running on empty. So don’t be afraid to seek support. Remember, even the strongest people need a helping hand sometimes.

6. Lower Expectations: Enjoy the Ride

Now, this might sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. Lowering your expectations doesn’t mean settling for less. It means focusing on the journey, not just the destination.

Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint. So take the time to enjoy the ride. Celebrate the small victories, learn from the setbacks, and keep moving forward.

So there you have it, folks! Six strategies to help you turn your dreams into reality. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “That’s easier said than done.” And you’re right. But remember, every journey begins with a single step. So why not take that step today?

So what are you waiting for? Let’s hit the road to success, together!

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button nowDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S Don’t forget to visit Confidology to learn more about the program

P.P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching




Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The 15 Tenets of Self-Motivation


Today, I’m going to share a secret that can transform your life. It’s called ‘Intrinsic Motivation’. This is the fuel that powers your journey to a more fulfilling life. It’s not about chasing external rewards, but finding joy and satisfaction in what you do. Let’s dive into the 15 tenets of intrinsic motivation that will help you live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Confidence in your abilities to go after your goals can sometimes be difficult to find or keep.

It can sometimes take time to discover the confidence you have inside you. This can be especially true if you are trying something new.

I have a program that can help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals as well as help you set an attainable goal related to where you are in your life and where you are trying to be.

This program also works with you to build up your confidence in being able to reach your goal.

You can find out more about this program at Confidology, a funny name but a serious program.

You can contact me to talk about this or any other aspect of confidence and success at

Visit the site and read through the program description.

Discovering Activities That Resonate with You

  1. Embrace the Flow: You know those moments when you’re so engrossed in an activity that time seems to stand still? That’s ‘flow’. It’s the sweet spot where challenge meets skill, and it feels fantastic!
  2. Keep a Mood Diary: Not sure what gets you into the flow? Start a mood diary. You might discover that you’re a night owl who loves coding, or a morning person who thrives on yoga.
  3. Set Clear Goals: Progress and learning keep an activity engaging. Set yourself specific, measurable targets to aim for.
  4. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Try something new that stretches your abilities. It should be challenging, but achievable. Maybe it’s learning a new language or preparing for a marathon.
  5. Declutter Your Schedule: If your to-do list is overflowing, it’s time to prune. Make space for activities that truly matter to you.

Making Every Activity More Rewarding

  • Understand the Motivation Spectrum: Our actions are often driven by a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. For instance, you might love your job for the paycheck and the positive impact it has on society.
  • Immerse Yourself: Transform mundane tasks into fun games. Cleaning the garage? Make a bet on how old that paint can is!
  • Adopt Deep Learning Strategies: Choose study methods that help you retain more knowledge. Relate the facts to your life, evaluate what you read, and summarize the material in your own words.
  • Seek Support: Working in groups can turn a boring task into a fun activity. Rally your neighbours to clean up the local park or share responsibilities at work.
  • Clarify Your Purpose: Understand why you’re doing something. Knowing you’re exercising to stay healthy can make those squats less gruelling.
  • Spread Positivity: A cheerful attitude can make any task less stressful. Find humour in your daily chores and laugh your way through them.
  • Exchange Feedback: Constructive feedback can boost motivation. Offer and accept suggestions on how to improve.
  • Seek Variety: Switching between tasks can keep you energized. Spend 15 minutes on your expense reports, then 15 minutes on filing documents.
  • Rest Up: Regular breaks keep you motivated and productive. Make time for play and reflection, stick to a consistent bedtime, and nap if you need to.
  • Serve Others: Work becomes more joyful when you see how it benefits others. Whether you’re a nurse, a teacher, or a volunteer at an animal shelter, helping others is a great motivator!

Remember, life becomes more enjoyable when you let your passions guide you. Even washing dishes can be satisfying when you align your daily activities with your internal sources of motivation.

So, ready to welcome more fun into your life? Let’s get started!

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button nowDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S Don’t forget to visit Confidology to learn more about the program.

P.P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching




Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash