Successful People Characteristics

successful people

Typically, people associate success with money, power and fame. If you have all of these things you could still be unsuccessful. If you do not have wealth, power and fame, people could still consider you as being successful.

A person may have a very solid business and career, which gives him a great job and be well-respected by his coworkers but still not be in the top 10% of successful money earners. All of this does not mean that the person is not successful.

There are many ways that a person can achieve success in their lives. They don’t have to have a high income or a prestigious job.

If you would like to listen to these types of articles, you can visit my podcasts atpodcastThese are short, usually under 5 minutes but they can enable you to listen to confidence and motivation advice and tips while driving or relaxing.

Here are some personal success traits to consider.

Forgiveness is important to successful people. A truly successful person knows that forgiveness is not just something they should do. For them forgiveness is natural. If they are offended by someone, they know that to keep moving forward, they know that forgiveness will help them.

  • They will forgive the offender and continue to move forward with their lives rather than hold a grudge or let the offence affect them negatively.

  • By forgiving others, they no longer have many negative emotions which enables them to focus on getting closer to their goals which makes them more successful.

They understand when they need to stay with or leave an endeavour. They know when to continue doing what they are doing or when to try something new.

  • A successful person stays with the projects that they are passionate about. They don’t become frustrated or feel burned out due to boredom. They move on when they no longer enjoy what they are doing.

  • They will determine which projects to continue and which ones to abandon using their intuition and gut instinct.

  • This method is usually correct because of their experience in recognizing when the work they are doing is no longer worthwhile for them to continue.

Failure is not feared, it is welcomed. Failure is understood not to be harmful by a successful person. Failure of giving up is the only type of failure to be avoided. They understand that failure means that they are not doing something right. It helps them to continue to learn and to grow.

  • They figure out what is needed to improve and continue with their progress when they experience loss.

  • Being an overnight success is impossible. It requires hard work, patience and time to become successful.

Their habits help them to succeed. Living a balanced life of eating nutritious food, exercise and sleep is essential. A successful person has healthy habits that help them to keep their health and vitality.

  • The work they are doing now is necessary to be successful later. They understand that it isn’t necessary to overwork and burn out in the drive to succeed.

While having money and power is very helpful, they aren’t necessary to achieve success. You don’t have to make a lot of money or be famous to be successful.

Having good habits and positive behaviours are the key to success. Doing this, whether you are rich or poor and you will achieve success.

To work together to help you get moving in the right direction in your life, click on the blue button below to book a 15-minute, no obligation “Get to know you” nowGoing alone on creating a better life is difficult. Find out how working with a Life Coach can make the journey to success and a better life easier.

Book the call now.

To your success


Michael W





P.S You can get a free for life subscription to my new biweekly newsletter: “Helping You to Live A Better Life” by visiting and registering at Newsletter.

This free offer expires on January 1st 2023. After that there will be monthly subscription fee.

Register now!

P.P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching



Image by Maike und Björn Bröskamp from Pixabay

7 Ways You Can Suffer if Your Life is Out of Balance


It’s very challenging to achieve balance in life. Some believe it’s impossible to have a balanced life if you’re committed to succeeding at the highest level. Maybe that’s true, but most people don’t need to become a billionaire or a movie star to consider themselves successful.

Success and a balanced life can coexist. However, you can’t afford to waste any of your time.

A life that’s out of balance includes some degree of suffering:

  1. When your life is out of whack, you can spend too much money. If you’re working hard day after day, it’s common to think that you deserve to enjoy your life, so you whip out your wallet. Unfortunately, it’s easy to outspend your income. The pleasure you get from spending money also doesn’t last for long.
    • On the other end of the spectrum, if you’re not paying enough attention to work, your income is likely lower than it could be.
    • Putting too much or too little attention on work can have negative financial implications.
  2. If your life is out of balance, you’re likely to exercise too little, eat poorly, and suffer from excessive amounts of stress. You can also suffer from insomnia. Your health is one of the first things to go downhill when your life is out of balance.
  3. Your relationship with your friends and family can suffer. One of the other casualties of an out-of-balance lifestyle is your relationship with other people. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, children, friends, or other family members, your relationships can suffer.
    • Consider the consequences of damaging your relationship with your spouse and children. Are the other things you’re spending time on worth it?
  4. You don’t have time for the things you enjoy. Do you love to watch football? Go out with the ladies for dinner on Thursdays? Whittle totem poles in the garage? An out of balance life lacks the time necessary to enjoy your hobbies and other enjoyable activities.
  5. Your mood suffers. Are you cranky, intolerant, angry, or feeling hopeless? Your life might be out of balance. People with an out of balance life often resent the time that people and unrelated activities require.
    • It’s not easy to feel good when your life is out of whack. A consistent bad mood is a terrible burden to carry, for you and everyone around you. Everyone suffers when a family member is miserable.
  6. You lose the ability to focus. A lack of sleep, horrible diet, no exercise, and no social life can tear down your ability to focus your attention productively. As your mind and body wear down, you can’t stay on task as well.
    • You’re also spending too much brain power focused on other things. If you’re eating dinner with your family, but lost in your thoughts, you’re not focusing on sharing a meal with your family.
  7. You either won’t take or can’t enjoy a vacation. If you can’t, or won’t, make time for a vacation, your life is out of balance. This can be a great test to determine if your life is under control. Do you think your life is unbalanced? Plan a vacation and see what happens!

Is your life out of balance? What changes can you make in order to bring it back into balance? It can be a real challenge to maintain balance in your life, but the consequences of failing to be balanced can be severe.

Remember how important your health, relationships, and happiness are to you. Where would you be without them?

Take action today to bring your life back into balance! You’ll be so glad you did!

You can book your 15-minute “Get to know you” call by clicking on the blue button below

book now

and we can talk about how we can work together to bring balance back into your life.

To your success


Michael W





P.S. What is holding you back from achieving the success in your life and career? For many people it is their Limiting Beliefs. Once you understand and remove your old limiting beliefs and replace them with new empowering beliefs, success becomes that much easier.

Check out my basic Limiting Belief, self-paced program at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below. This program will get you started on identifying 14 of the most common limiting beliefs, you will probably be familiar with some of them, and will give empowering beliefs to replace them in your life if you have them.

After completing the course, you will be at the starting point of your success journey.

Limiting belief



Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge on Unsplash




8 Reasons Why Getting Started is So Critical

getting started

Did you ever have dreams of a project that you really wanted to do, but you just never got around to it?

For example, what if you always wanted to write a book? But then life always got in the way and you kept putting it off and putting it off and putting it off again. Every time you thought about it, you found a reason not to get started on it.

How might your life be different now if you had just taken action – taken that first step – gotten started on your masterpiece?

Do you see something familiar in projects you always wanted to do? Even with the best plans, nothing happens until you actually get started!

Consider these reasons why being able to get started is a critical life skill:

  1. Nothing actually happens until you get started. All the planning, scheming, and visualizing in the world won’t move the needle. At some point, you have to start doing something that will actually produce results. You don’t receive any results until you finally take action and begin.
  2. Getting started can be challenging, but the progress builds with time. Once you begin, things start happening. As you continue, the magnitude of your results grows exponentially. But you have to get over the hump of getting started.
  3. You learn while doing. Studying is good but learning on the job is better. You’ll never learn more about writing, internet marketing, sales, or playing the piano than you’ll learn by actually doing it.
  4. Too much planning leads to inaction. It’s easy to fall into the trap of planning. The deeper you plan, the more detailed and tedious it becomes. You quickly reach a point where you can’t find a definitive answer because things become too vague as you look further and further out.
    • Begin before you become trapped by your planning habit.
  5. It makes the future easier. Getting started with something new becomes a habit. If you can get started today, the next project will be that much easier to start.
  6. Your self-esteem will get a huge boost. We silently loathe ourselves when we procrastinate for too long. We know that we’re simply too scared to begin and to risk failure. You’ll be much more pleased with yourself after you get started.
  7. You reach your goals faster. This seems obvious, but few people consider it. If you had started chasing your goal a year earlier, you’d be successful a year earlier, too.
  8. You change how you see yourself. When you take action, you begin to see yourself as someone that takes action. This perception of yourself will eventually lead to creating a habit of getting started quickly.

Now that you see all these reasons why getting started is so important, you’ll likely want to get started on something! But how? Starting is often the hardest part!

To get yourself over that hump, break your project down into small, achievable steps. If those steps look too hard, break them down even further until you get to one small action you can take to get started.

Then do it! Take that one small action! You’ll be glad you did!

You can book your 15-minute “Get to know you” call by clicking on the blue button belowbook nowand we can talk about how we can work together to help you get started on achieving your goals

To your success


Michael W




P.S. you know that living a life that is in balance is important. When you can balance your work, family, health, relationships, fitness and money, you feel better and can achieve your goals. You have the support of your family and friends which makes life worth living.

Check out my programs at Confidence and Life Coaching by clicking on the logo below:

Confidence and Life Coaching

Photo by Duncan Meyer on Unsplash







Top 10 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Practice Persistence

Photo by Lucas Myers on Unsplash

Do you have persistence? Persistence is the act of working hard and trying again and again until you achieve what you’ve set out to achieve.

As long as you persist, you can’t fail!

Consider these benefits of persistence:

  1. You’ll become an expert. Chances are that the first time you try something you might not be good at it. However, once you’ve completed the same task multiple times, you’ll soon become better and better, becoming an expert at the task in the process.
  1. Persistence will motivate you to try harder. When you try and try, you’ll move a little closer to your goal with each attempt. This will help motivate you as it will show that this effort makes a difference.
  1. Persistence is a sign of ambition. Only those who are truly ambitious are able to bring persistence into their daily lives. This is why the most successful people you know are also those who are most persistent.

    • Most successful people have failed at least once, but this did not stop them from achieving success. With each failure, they learned what they needed to do differently the next time they tried.

    • Eventually, they succeeded, which would never have happened had they become discouraged at the first sign of failure.
  1. You’ll set a good example. Whether you’re setting an example for your work colleagues or your children, if they see that you’re not willing to give up when you face adversity, they’ll be more inclined to try harder at their own challenges.

    • Become a role model and those around you will become more consistent and hard-working too.
  1. Persistence teaches you the value of success. Being successful takes time and effort. No one ever became successful without making sacrifices and being persistent with their time and efforts.
  1. Persistence gives you vital experience. When you’re persistent, you learn that each failure gives you another opportunity to learn. With each failure, you’ll become more resilient. You’ll also learn how you can overcome any challenge.
  1. You become more aware of your weaknesses. To achieve success at anything, it’s important to understand your weaknesses. When you look at your failures, you’ll discover your faults and learn what you need to work on to become successful.
  1. People judge you on your consistency. When you’re persistent, you also develop consistency. Many people look for this skill, whether in the workplace or in your personal life. They want to know that you’ll work hard to do what needs to be done on a regular basis.
  1. You’ll learn that things that come easy bring little reward. Harder tasks may require a little work and consistency, but they offer much greater rewards. Is it not worth making that little extra effort to achieve greater rewards?

  2. Most importantly, you’ll be able to create the life you desire. With persistence, you’ll be able to sail through life’s setbacks. You’ll seek solutions to overcome your challenges and keep moving forward to build a life that satisfies you.

Persistence is important, as rarely anything worth having in life comes without it. Most often, you’ll have to work for what you want.

Being persistent will give you the opportunity to achieve anything you set your heart on!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

Sometimes to practice persistence you need to understand your limitations and how to get through them.

This book “Identify Your Limitations and Push Through Them” can help you to do that.

It is an easy read and contains some very valuable information that can help you to live a better life.

You can find it online here: Identify Your Limitations and Push Through Them

Accepting Rejection – The Cornerstone of Perseverance

accepting rejection

We learn at an early age that we don’t get everything we want. In other words, we have had to deal with rejection since then. This makes you think that people accept rejection easily. The exact opposite is usually true.

People start to develop an invisible shield against rejection. They may show anger or resentment to the people who are serving up the rejection. But, in many cases, it can show who is resilient and who is likely to continue until they get what they want.

No one likes to hear negative comments about themselves. People take it personally. However, knowing the reason for rejection can help change your direction. You can correct the aspects that made people reject you in the first place.

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This won’t work with everything. For instance, if a person you are attracted to does not return the favor, it may be difficult or impossible to turn this around. Then again, there are numerous stories of people who persevered even when they were rejected time and again, and won the love of their lives.

Another instance where you may face rejection is during a job interview. Many candidates will pass this off as incompetence on the part of the interviewer, and there are certainly cases where this is true. But, you should always try to evaluate the reasons why the interviewer did not choose you. You’d be surprised at how few people even ask for the reasons. Interviewers won’t typically volunteer this information. Many will feel you don’t care if you don’t ask.

In many cases, rejection is not personal. You may not have the necessary skills when seeking a job, or you may not have enough experience, etc. In other cases, it may be somewhat personal, but it may be in your best interest to get rejected. For instance, if you don’t have an aggressive personality, do you want to pursue a career that requires one? If you are in sales, you need to have this driving personality to succeed.

Use rejection to your benefit. People who accept rejection and don’t give up are usually the ones who eventually get that acceptance. Sometimes, the very fact that you are persevering is what turns the tables from rejection to acceptance. Whose to say that next opportunity is not the one that will accept you? You won’t know unless you continue on your quest.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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