Attract Abundance By Changing Your Limiting Beliefs

Release Your Limiting Beliefs and Attract Abundance

limiting beliefYour beliefs color your perception of the world and your experiences. Many beliefs are true only because you believe them to be. If your beliefs aren’t congruent with excelling in life and receiving abundance, it’s very unlikely you’ll ever live the life you deserve. When your results are falling short of your desires, your beliefs are them logical place to make a change.

Many of the beliefs you hold most strongly are inaccurate. Most of our fundamental beliefs are formed at a young age. We often learn these beliefs from sources that aren’t operating at the expert level. It’s easy to see why we have beliefs that hold us back from experiencing all the abundance we deserve.

Choose a negative belief and begin the process of elimination:

1. Challenge the belief. Suppose you held the belief that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Where did the belief originate? What was the source? Did you read it or experience it first-hand? Was it something you learned from a parent, teacher, or peer?

  • Is the source reliable? Has this source been wrong about other things in the past? Is this person an expert regarding the belief? You wouldn’t take long-term relationship advice from someone that’s been divorced 5 times.

  • Do you have proof that your belief is accurate?

  • Could the opposite be true?
  • What if your belief is wrong? What would change?

2. How has this belief limited or harmed you in the past? List all the times this belief has steered you in the wrong direction or stopped you from taking action.

  • Visualize your past and re-experience the pain and disappointment this belief has created. Realize that releasing this belief is a positive and necessary step.

3. Create a new belief that serves you. It’s not enough to let go of a belief. It’s important to replace it with a new perspective. What is a more useful alternative to your current belief? For the previous example, you might choose the belief, “Anyone can attract wealth and abundance.”

  • Make a list of alternative beliefs and choose the one that feels the most empowering.

4. Search for evidence that your new belief is possible. Do you know any wealthy people that started with little money? Seek out examples of successful people that came from humble beginnings.

  • Have there been instances in the past you’ve proven your new, desirable belief correct?

  • Make a list of all the times you’ve been successful in congruence with your new belief.

5. Get excited. Visualize yourself living your new belief. How would your life change? How would that make you feel? What would you accomplish? Stick with this process until you feel a high level of excitement and enthusiasm.

6. Reinforce the new belief. Repeat your new belief to yourself 100 times each day. This will only take a few minutes. Make time in the morning and evening to complete this task.

  • Beliefs are most easily formed through strong emotional reactions and repetition. The previous step provided the emotion. This step provides the repetition.

7. Continue until your new belief is rock solid. It’s easy to slip back into old patterns of thinking. Continue the process of visualizing your new belief in action and performing the 100 repetitions until your new belief is unshakeable.

Your beliefs shape your results and your future. If you’re dissatisfied with your life, begin by addressing your limiting beliefs. New beliefs are easy to install. Consider how easy it was to install your previously held beliefs without intention. The key is to find evidence for the new belief, surround the new belief with enthusiasm, and remind yourself daily.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


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Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Do You Have These 6 Limiting Beliefs?

You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

6 Limiting Beliefs That You Should Change Today

go do somethingWhen we are kids there is no such thing as a limiting belief. Everything is possible. There’s a fat guy that brings us presents once a year. There are superheros that fly around with capes fighting crime. And becoming a professional wrestler is a legitimate career option. But then something curious happens.

The world begins to tell us otherwise. Somewhere around 11 or 12 years old we begin to see the boxes shaping that society would like us to fit in. The fat man in the red suit is long gone. Superheros are now for kids. And wearing a suit and tie is suddenly a better option than the wrestling outfit. These boxes our so drilled into our culture that most of the time we forget to even ask if they’re real boxes or not. Are they there? Or are they made up by someone else? These boxes are limiting beliefs, and they don’t have to be your reality just because they are someone else’s. These are six limiting beliefs that you should change today.


I am not smart enough.

Yes you are. You’ve just had someone or something lead you to believe otherwise. Sure, we all have some sort of genetic level of intelligence that has been gifted to us. But that represents a very small margin of our overall intelligence. Being “smart” is a product of learning, studying and practicing a small handful of things, and becoming the best you can be at them. When you become really good at just a few things, you become incredibly valuable to a person or a company that needs those talents. You don’t have to be a genius. You just have to be the smartest guy or girl in the room at something. I’m too inexperienced.

So is everyone else. Some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are in their 20′s. They were young and ambitious enough to not care if they had experience or not. The only way you gain experience is to jump in with both feet, and being inexperienced is a blessing. You get to approach problems with a naive eye, which can lead to solutions that more experienced people wouldn’t have thought of. Own your inexperience, and know that creativity and hard work will make up for what you lack in years.

It’s too late for me.

Some of the most popular authors in history never wrote a novel until they were in their 60′s or older. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs never tasted success until they failed well into their 40′s or later. The only time it’s too late for you is when you’re six feet under. If you’re not there yet, it’s not too late. Start now.

I can’t be happy until…

You can’t be happy until you stop thinking like this, and just choose to be happy. If you allow your happiness to depend on an object or a person, you are letting something outside of your control dictate your happiness. Take that control back. You will wake up happy every single day when you wake up grateful for what you do have, instead of wanting something more. It is a choice. Choose happiness.

This is who I am.

This is who you are…this very second. Who you are a minute, a day, a year from now has yet to be decided. We are evolving beings, constantly being shaped by our experiences, our knowledge (see point #1), the people around us, and our approach to growth. Who I am today is very different from who I was a year ago, and dramatically different from who I was 10 years ago. Much like happiness, you can choose to allow your life and experiences to wash over your, leaving you much the same. Or you can choose to allow them to shape you, to drive you into the next and better version of yourself.

I’m too busy.

I’m too busy…to workout…to start my side business…to give my time…to be a parent. No excuse in the world has been used more than “I’m too busy” and it’s the biggest scapegoat ever invented. If you truly believe you are too busy to pursue your dreams, ask yourself what time you wake up. Ask yourself how much time you spend on social media. Ask yourself how much time you spend clicking refresh on your email. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching your favorite television shows. Ask yourself how much time you spend watching the evening news or reading your favorite websites. When we are honest with ourselves, we realize we are not too busy. We just haven’t made our dreams a priority in our schedule.

The boxes we are nudged into by society are invented by someone else. The people in this world that find enormous success, incredible happiness, and love the lives they live recognize that these boxes are not real. They shatter these boxes, and all of the sudden the world is a wide open playground, ready to be explored. The boxes are limiting beliefs. But they are only limiting if you believe they are there. That can change today.

Michael W

Michael W



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