Do You Compromise In Your Life?

The future depends on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi

At some point in our lives we have all compromised. We do things that we really didn’t want to do. The past is past, but we can change our future.

The article below outlines some things we can do to reverse this action in the future.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

You can also view posts on life coaching at

Michael Wilkovesky

How To Stop Compromising – by Matthew Ferry

Do you find yourself always saying ‘yes’ to other people’s requests? Are you up to your eyes doing errands for others because you just cannot turn them down and say ‘no’? Looking back on your life and the decisions you made in the past, Have you pursued a path – career or personal – that was different from what you wanted simply because that’s what was expected of you? If you answered yes to the above then you, and several hundreds of thousands of people in this world, have a stronger than normal desire to please others over yourself. It is a common ‘malady’ (for lack of a better term) that, if kept unchecked, may lead to dissatisfaction later life. However, there is a way to control the urge to please – and the first step towards being liberated from this desire is to understand its roots. To be aware of how it started. Once this has been identified, the next steps would be easier to do.

Wanting to constantly please everyone may have reared its head during your teenage years. Not during childhood – as most children seem to want to do the opposite of what’s expected of them. Its during the critical prepubescent and teenage period that fitting in – or being with the in-crowd becomes very important. At this stage, you probably did things simply because you wanted others (the cheerleaders, the varsity team, the cliquish group) to like you. Never mind if it’s not who you are – what mattered most (at that time) was that you were well liked. And somehow, this erroneous belief continued well through your collegiate years, and on to your professional career.

Now that you are aware of the root of this “pleasing” issue, you would be in control and have more power to say ‘no’ to requests where you (normally) would have compromised on what you want, in order to be ‘liked’ or simply to please someone (or everyone).

What do you do now, about the compromises you have done in the past? Well, it’s no use crying over spilled milk so the best alternative is to accept that you have compromised on some aspects of your life, and to try to find a silver lining in the cloud of ‘regret’. Try to find a hidden benefit or value that you have gained by making those so-called ‘wrong choices’. Surely you benefited out of it – somehow. You may have learned a new skill, discovered something valuable about yourself, made new friends – identify these. No matter how small, or seemingly insignificant these may be – these helped shape you to be the person you are now – and that’s important.

There’s a French proverb that states: “The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving” and it is true: you deceive them, and yourself. So put an end to this vicious cycle of wanting to please others before yourself. Be aware of the root, be aware that you can say ‘no’, and be aware of the benefits your past actions have given you. Once you become aware of these, you’ll learn to be flexible and soon new horizons and other options will arise that will strengthen and empower you.


Matthew Ferry a Life Coach,The Life Coaching Company Matthew Ferry International offers life coaching programs, law of attraction and dozens of training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.


A Life Coach Can Help You to Produce Great Results

The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the ‘prima materia’ from which all real growth comes.” – Andrew Harvey

Many top production brokers and real estate agents use or have used a life coach.

The article below gives some reasons why these top producers felt the need to have a life coach guide them in their success.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

Why Top Producers Achieve Stellar Results With Life Coaching – by Life Coaching Expert

When you meet those top producing brokers and realtors who seem to have it all – you know what I am talking about – those people who have a great life, great vacations, loving family relationships, sweet investments and luck on top of all that, you might look further and see that person in a life coaching program. Top producers who are committed to having a fulfilling experience in life may have gotten some of the wind beneath their wings in a life coach program.

Now, many of the top salespeople I have worked with don’t care about having a fulfilling experience. They care about winning. They care about awards. They care about the juice, the next sale, the win. But then what happens to their lives?

After coaching 8,273 salespeople, with many top producing realtors among them, I began to see the ‘the win at all costs’ mentality. And I began to notice others who win and experience fulfillment in other areas of their lives as well. What a difference.

Top sales people who focus only on the wins, the next deal, the bigger deal, often find themselves out of touch with the very aspect of their lives that they told themselves they were winning for.

Top sales people often find they win the deals at the expense of their family. They are winning but are they really losing touch with their children or their family? Or have they forgotten about health? Or maybe they are winning but their emotional life is a wreck.

Now, a top producer can take comfort in the glory of the win. Except when winning costs the experiences of family, of joy, of travel, of spiritual growth – then it can be a bittersweet victory.

I would like to bring to you another entirely amazing side of humanity. Top salespeople who want it all can indeed begin to experience life that is completely and wholly successful – because these individuals stop and recognize that being a great producing broker and a terrible dad is a hollow victory. And it wouldn’t be much fun to be a great sales person in the hospital on the second triple bypass heart surgery.

What if instead a life coach could help you achieve victory across many different aspects of yourself? Nearly all great sales people who experience life to the very fullest take advantage of life coaching. Here is what I want to share with you today. When you get everything into balance, when you are working on every aspect of your life, it’s as if you have a magic wand that enables you to get things done that other people cannot possibly get done. You can accomplish a lot more in much shorter periods of time.

People who live in balance achieve at an extremely intensified rate. When other people put in one and receive one, those individuals who are firing on every level of their being – mental, physical, spiritual, financial, all of the areas of value in their lives – can actually put in one ounce of ‘effort’ to receive 10 times the results. When you are operating on all cylinders, you will feel completely at ease and in control – as you embrace more success than you have ever experienced. This is why life coaching is taking off. Work on your entire life, and experience results across all of the disciplines. It’s worth the trip.


About the Author

Matthew Ferry is an Author and a coach for conscious business people and executives who are committed to feeling bliss and happiness and using that energy to create a successful life. Life Coaching and being a life coach is his main course of Matthew Ferry.

What Does A Life Coach Do For You?

Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” – Earl Nightingale

Is a life coach a part of your life? Should a life coach be a part of your life?

The article below gives some information about a life coach and what they can do to help you become more powerful and live a better life.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael Wilkovesky

An Introduction To Life Coaching – by Coaching For Results

Life Coaching is about transformation-from a caterpillar to a butterfly” – Curly Martin

Life Coaching, is a phrase that most people are familiar with these days. When you think of life coaching, you’ll probably almost always think of Tony Robbins at the same time. He’s probably the most famous life coach on the planet!

Life coaching is a profession that’s most certainly people focused. The aim of a life coach, is to enable a person to realize they’re full potential – and for them to do so without fear of criticism from others. So often, you might have dreams, goals, and aspirations, but just as the fire is stoking, someone comes along and pours water on your enthusiasm! Sound familiar?

With the help of a life coach, a person is able to take any aspect of their life they want to work on, and to do so in a supportive and encouraging manner. This way, they feel that they can breath, spread their wings, and fly!

In one sense, life coaching is about helping people to really focus on what matters most in life. It’s about reaching goals, but it’s also about getting the right balance in life too. Sometimes, if not most of the time, we tend to get our priorities mixed up. So, being coached, serves to get you to take stock of everything, and get it in order.

If you want assistance in getting your life on course, or reaching a goal, you could do no better than to get some coaching. However, life coaching is not about the coach giving you the answers. A life coach actually helps you to discover the solutions that are right for you.

A life coach helps you to find the answers that already exist within you. We’re not always aware of our own inner power – a coach helps to draw that out, and bring it to the surface.

This helps the person being coached, to see that they themselves are the ones responsible for change – not the life coach. A skilled life coach, like an effective teacher, helps their students or clients to reach their own conclusions. Once they’ve done that, the clients mind and behaviour changes. They do not snap back to the old patterns of thinking and acting once they’ve been stretched.

As the quote stated at the beginning of this article, life coaching is about transformation – from what a person thinks they are – to what they truly are: a person of unlimited power!


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What is Life Coaching and Why Do I Need It?

A life coach does for the rest of your life what a personal trainer does for your health and fitness.” – Elaine MacDonald

You may be wondering why you need a life coach after all, you made it this far in life without a coach. But what if you could go further?

The article below gives some information about using a life coach.

Michael Wilkovesky

The Truth About Life Coaching – by Amy Twain

Life coaching. The phrase may sound new and strange, for why would anybody want their lives to be coached? By someone else? Maybe to some, coaches sound too sporty or academic, because at first, coaches may be just for athletes preparing for a big game or championship. Or a student about to take an exam that may affect the outcome of one’s future. But another kind of coaching, this time life coaching is the new and latest ‘in thing’ for business and likewise for personal advancement. Currently in United Kingdom, it’s still an unregulated discipline there. Being given a title of a ‘life coach’, it can cover a wide array of practices.

It is important to note that not all coaching courses and naturally, coaches are created equal because there is no definite national standards for Coaching. Thus, the quality of training for a life coach and levels of personal development may differ considerably. Anyway, what is life coaching all about? COACHING IS DEFINITELY ABOUT YOU, YOUR GOALS AND YOUR SELF AWARENESS. In detail, it is a process that involves promoting your self awareness, showing your direction now and helps you to pinpoint what is not working. Additionally, it helps in bringing balance into your life and increasing your possibilities to more choices.

It also guides and leads you to where exactly you want to go. More importantly, it makes you conscious of your roots for motivation. Significantly, it is best to realize that coaching is a whole new different frame from therapy. While therapy is more focused on fixing mistakes and structures in the past, Life coaching is basically more about making the best out of the future so, it is more into goal setting. In this process, the client will become an active participant (more of a role playing) in actually creating his own change which favorably is for the better.

He will be responsible and be involved in some specific tasks in determining their goals and coming to terms toward their future. Being a coach is not just merely giving advices or make changes but to envision clear-cut outcomes for your goals. It also demonstrates your awareness to some related ‘blind spots’, keeps you sincere and truthful about yourself and to be fully involved along the process. Furthermore, it keeps you abreast and helps you move forward. For some people, life coaching is a valuable process because a good life coach will assist you to realize your own possibilities in your untapped potential

Coaches or mentors are effective sounding boards for our insights, new ideas, sharing our aspirations, thus, opening a channel of friendship and trust. There are times when we ‘think out loud’ impulsively. Like saying something then wondered how did that happen or how can we realize it? An effective life coach will help clarify ideas and is also good in asking questions. He can lead awareness, inspire more motivation and through artful questioning, highlight some ‘blind spots’. So do you think you can benefit from life coaching? It is your choice to decide what is best for you.


The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.