Appreciating Small Things and the Law of Attraction


Appreciation is clearly a positive action. When you appreciate something or someone, you are sending positive energy into the universe. That can only benefit you with positive energy coming back to you. That is a foundation of the Law of Attraction (LOA).

Perhaps you aren’t a believer in such principles as LOA. You think it’s hokum, and that the universe doesn’t have a points system of sorts. However, it’s been shown time and again that when people put out positive energy, they receive that in kind. The same is true for negative energy.

Even if you aren’t a believer, what can it hurt to project positivity into the world? Your small circle of friends and your family will notice it. That is enough to justify staying positive and appreciate those smaller things in your life.

Negativity surrounds you, and this makes it easy to get swallowed up in it. The news reports seem to show nothing but bad news on every channel. It’s gotten worse with the proliferation of the internet. Someone can post a negative tweet, for instance, and hundreds of people see it. People then share the tweet and so the list of people seeing it grows into thousands.

Because the internet allows people to post comments anonymously, that makes matters worse. They would never say to someone’s face the negative stuff they write. But, have no trouble spewing garbage on the internet. LOA works on the internet as well. People who post negative messages will find them returned. They cannot hide in their anonymity either. The universe has a way of bringing it back to them.

If you are one to say or post negative messages, think about the impact that has on others. It’s hurtful, and it will affect them. Also, think about how wonderful those people would feel if you posted something nice about them. You shouldn’t make up these attributes. They should be true. But, you should be able to find something nice to say about others. There is an old saying that if you can’t find something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything. People should incorporate this saying and live by it, especially on the internet.

If you believe that the small items don’t make a difference concerning LOA, think about the number of people that are alive on the planet. There are over six billion people. If everyone projected his or her appreciation for one small item, that would be a massive surge of positive energy.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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Examples of the Law of Attraction in Action

“The mind has a definite way of clothing one’s thoughts in appropriate physical equivalents. Think in terms of poverty and you will live in poverty. Think in terms of opulence and you will attract opulence. Through the eternal law of harmonious attraction, one’s thoughts always clothe themselves in material things appropriate unto their nature.”
Napoleon Hill, You Can Work Your Own Miracles

The Law of Attraction At Work

By now you must’ve heard the excitement about the Law of Attraction. There are many documented cases of people achieving astounding results by applying the principles of this law to their own life. If you aren’t yet familiar with these principles, you’ll be happy to know it’s quite simple.

The Law of Attraction states that positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, if you focus on the positive, you’ll be rewarded with positive things. In contrast, if you focus on negative aspects of your life, you’ll attract other negative things back to you.

Does it seem too simple to be true? That’s because it is! This law can bring good things into your life if you understand how you can use it to your benefit.

Here are some examples of the Law of Attraction in action:

1. Health. Have you experienced health issues in your life? You can use the Law of Attraction to enjoy better health.

* Be thankful for the fact that you’re alive and that you have another day to enjoy life to its fullest!

* Remove negative thoughts and feelings from your mind and ask for healing.

* Picture yourself as strong, healthy, and vibrant. You can even visualize the cells in your body conquering germs and disease, rebuilding themselves, and busily functioning at peak performance.

2. Love. Many people have found their soul mate by using the principles that govern the Law of Attraction. You’ll find that love and your subconscious are both very powerful forces. Gratitude is imperative to achieve results.

* Be thankful for the love and relationships you’ve been blessed with and ask for your heart’s desire regarding love.

* Remove all negative thoughts and feelings so the subconscious will be able to process your request as pure and important.

* Picture yourself with the person of your dreams – holding hands, smiling, looking into each other’s eyes, and so on.

3. Money. Is it okay to use the Law of Attraction for something as material as money? The answer is yes! You can definitely apply the principles to attract wealth. As long as you properly request it, this too can be answered. Practice just as you would for anything else.

* Be thankful for the money you do have, no matter how little.

* Clear your mind of all negative thoughts and feelings and picture yourself with the money you desire. See yourself buying what you want, paying all your bills, and knowing that there’s always extra money in your bank account.

* Let your subconscious take you to a place where you already have the money.

If you do these things sincerely and consistently, you’ll be rewarded with better health, more passionate love, and wealth.

However, you must have an open mind and heart. If you harbor any doubt in the process, it won’t work. Also, remember that wishful thinking without action is useless. Make sure to follow up your positive thoughts with positive actions that guide you toward your goals.

The Law of Attraction has worked for countless individuals. Use these tips to implement these principles in your life and reap the rewards today, tomorrow, and forever!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W


Discovering the Hidden Secrets of the Law of Attraction

“If you believe that you are not omnipresent, omniscient, and ultimately omnipotent, then you are deluded.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Getting The Law of Attraction to Work For You

Law of AttractionThere’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard something about the Law of Attraction in the past few years. For a while it was pretty big news and lots of people who wanted better lives jumped on the bandwagon.

While you’re not hearing as much about it in the media these days, the Law of Attraction still holds true. Just what is the Law of Attraction, and how can it work to help you be happier and more successful?

The basic rule of the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. When you’re in a healthy, successful mindset, you’ll be healthier and more successful. Positive thinking is a powerful tool as long as you use it correctly. So how do you do it?

Here are some ways you can use the Law of Attraction to make your life more fulfilling and achieve your goals:

1. Visualize what you desire. You need to have a clear idea of what you want out of life, not just a general or vague picture. By envisioning every detail of your desire, you’ll eventually receive it!

* Know exactly what your goal is and outline the path for getting there.
* Then track your progress. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference this makes!

2. Allow yourself to succeed. You may think this sounds silly. After all, you’re not the one holding yourself back – or are you? Many of us keep ourselves from the success we hope for, whether it’s because we feel like we don’t deserve it or we’re just not paying attention.

* Take a look at your life and ask yourself if you have behavior patterns or attitudes that keep you from taking advantage of opportunities that can help you succeed. Recognizing and being aware of these self-sabotaging attitudes is a big step toward change.

* Do you consistently do something that sets you back every time you’re on the verge of achieving a goal? Forming a mindset that will allow you to be a success can make a huge difference.

3. Have focus. It’s easy to have many desires at once. For your best results, work on one or two things at a time and give them your full attention. Without the ability to focus your energy and thoughts on your goal, the chances of failure and distraction go up.

So if you find yourself pursuing multiple goals but never get near any of them, it’s time to focus. The Law of Attraction tells us that in order to achieve, we have to be in a clear, focused mindset, with a strong picture of a single goal.

* Once you’ve focused on a single goal and achieved it, you can turn your focus to your next goal. This way, one by one, you are realizing success.

4. Be willing to receive the bounty the universe offers you. The world is constantly giving you chances to make things better. If you maintain the right mindset, stay focused, and know what you want and how to get there, you’ll reap the benefits of those opportunities.

* Every day there are opportunities that could lift you out of the rut and put you on the road to a better tomorrow. You just have to be willing to take advantage of them.

The Law of Attraction principles have helped many people change their lives for the better. Keeping a positive mindset and taking action to accomplish your goals will help you achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

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