Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

  1. Examine Your Daily Routine:
    Take a look at the types of day-to-day activities you are engaged with. See if there are ways to do them differently than you’ve been doing them. This can give you a renewed sense of value in those activities. You may also learn something in the process.

  2. Examine Your Career
    What are you currently doing in your career? Is it something you still want to do or do you daydream about doing something completely different? If you are constantly thinking about how great your life would be if you were doing something different, it may be time to explore that. If so, be proactive and start learning as much as you can about the new path. Talk to people that are involved with it and even offer to volunteer to get some experience.

  3. Learn, Learn, Learn:
    When people get too comfortable at anything, this is usually the time that something will happen to disrupt that comfort zone. Therefore, try never to stay comfortable. This will require you to stay on top of your game and continue to learn. Learning should never be looked at as something you stop after school is over. Too many people make this mistake and find their skills become obsolete over time.

  4. Anticipate & Accept Change:
    The one thing that you can depend on in life is change. It will happen all throughout your life. Some changes will be great while others will be difficult to accept. People that you know will move away, and others will die. You will be faced with life decisions that overwhelm you. When you are more accepting of changes and try to account for them, you can prepare yourself better when they happen. You can never be truly prepared, but any preparation can lighten their severity.

  5. Try Not to Change Too Much Too Fast:
    While it is good to accept change, if you try to take on too many changes, you will find it difficult to manage them. There will be situations where this can’t be helped. But, if you have control of several of the changes, take them slowly. Get used to small changes and then take on others once that happens. Allow yourself to get used to one change at a time.

  6. Help Others Manage Change:
    Even though change is something you can depend on, this doesn’t make it easy for many people to handle. If you make yourself more willing to accept changes, you will be able to help others do the same. For instance, if your company is relocating to a new area, help those who may struggle with this. Try to get them to see the benefits of the change, rather than letting them focus solely on the negative aspects. Not everyone will be receptive, but if you help out even a few people, you have done something good. Be sensitive to the fact that everyone deals with change in their own way.


    Do something that would shock your friends. Maybe you swore in the past, that you would never go skydiving. So, go skydiving. Focus on doing something that is highly uncharacteristic of you.    Walk up to a total stranger and introduce yourself. Try to get a conversation going to the point where you both would like to meet again.  Start up a hobby that you have put off because you thought it was too hard to do. Often, the act of just getting started with something can show that what you are trying to accomplish is not as difficult as you first thought. You set up mental barriers that are broken once you begin.

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If you would like a PDF copy of this report, you can request a copy here >> Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

How I Conquered Fear And You Can Too!

Getting out of your comfort zone for most is challenging, to say the least. It’s been my experience that the missing element is psychological. Too many times I’ve said to myself, ‘I don’t know HOW to do this’ and self sabotaged my brain into believing I could not do it. What I’ve come to know is this; it’s not the ‘how’ that is so important but rather the ‘why’ behind it! Get a big enough WHY and the HOW will follow!

It’s the old 80/20 rule – 80% is psychology and the remaining 20% is the mechanics. We all tend to get what we HAVE to have. It boils down to what YOU believe YOU MUST do and chose to not settle for anything less!! Turning your ‘should’s’ into ‘must’s’ and making the decision to move forward in spite of the fear.

Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you truly want to get the edge, you will need to get over your fear. Fear of failure, fear of embarrassment, fear of whatever – it’s okay to make a mistake, just make sure you learn from it and avoid the same pit falls next time around.

Choose to live life on your own terms. The quality of life is the quality of your emotions on a daily basis. Control your emotions and take control of your destiny! Consider this, it’s not how long I live but rather, how I live! It’s not about your ability; it’s about why you must succeed!!

Two things to help you control your emotions, deal with your BODY and what you FOCUS on at any given moment.

1 – Body, the psychology that we are ‘in’ is driven by the physiology that we are ‘in’. Specifically, when we change our MOTION we change our EMOTION and therefore experience a change of ‘state’. It’s these ‘states’ (or emotions), that will determine our action towards any given target.

2 – Focus, what you focus on and moreover, ‘how’ you focus, plays a vital roll in your achievements (or lack thereof). We must remember, what’s wrong is always available to us but so is, what’s right! Understand that ‘problems’ are a sign of life. Want to see someone who doesn’t have any more problems? Drop by your nearest cemetery, they’re done! No more problems – and no more life!! Direct your focus, whatever you focus on you moves you towards that object or experience. There isn’t a ‘try’ – only do or not do!

I’ve noticed several things about myself that I can’t help but believe others must share in similar experiences or situations. The difference for me now, is how I choose to ‘control’ or ‘focus’ myself as situations arise. This is a broad range of things from attending a party and ‘experiencing’ my emotions, to simply taking a shower and getting ready for the day. It’s truly how I manage my ‘state’ during the situation that defines my experience!

To be more clear, it’s what I choose to focus on while showering or while at the party. If while showering I’m having thoughts of – oh no, it’s Monday again, I hate the first day of each workweek! I hate Monday’s!! I wish I could just stay home and sleep in. I have to fight the stinking traffic everyday. I wish I had another car, a bigger more fancy car.

On and on it goes and before you finish your morning shower – presto, you’re in a bad mood and ready to bite your partners head off! You’re having emotions of agitation and experiencing anxiety about going to work, all before you even get dressed to go.

I suggest and submit to you it all begins with your THOUGHTS. It’s these thoughts that begin to effect our emotions (or states) and once we LEARN how to control them, we then have a much more powerful position that will determine our actions.

Use MOTION to create EMOTION and control your results. Back to the shower scene – sing, shout, clap your hands, pretend the soap bottle (or bar) is your microphone, move briskly, breath deeply and think about good things. (Remember, you get to choose what you think about – it’s your personal power)! Wouldn’t you rather get dressed feeling good about the day ahead of you, as opposed to dreading the very next moment? Sure you would, and you get to pick your experience. It may take some practice or ‘conditioning’ on your part but it will become a ‘habit’ once you focus on training your brain and body to do so.

You can control your fear and use it as leverage to compel you towards your goals. It the courage behind the fear that builds the faith within us that makes us stronger. Esteem comes from forcing yourself to do difficult things. Therefore, causing us to broaden our comfort zones while strengthening our faith.

Can you see faith? I submit to you, we are able to see the evidence of faith. No one has ever seen the wind but it evidence is everywhere to be seen. Faith unused wanes!

Prime your mind

The Success Brain Course

As we are all trying to be more successful in our lives, both personal and business, we need to have a success mindset. It is hard to be successful when your own self-talk is against you and your mind is not aligned with your goals.

If you want to be more successful and live the life you deserve, then you need to have a Success Brain.

While this may sound easy, unless you know what you need to accomplish, you could end up wasting your time and energy.

This course “The Success Brain” can help you to understand those areas of your own mind that are holding you back while helping you to develop a truly success brain and mindset that will guide you in your life to really become more successful.

Prime your mind

Steps you Need to Take Before Taking Massive Action


Many people get an idea and then immediately start taking action. The problem is, a lot of these folks never finish what they start. They have a great many unfinished projects, but not the staying power to make their goals happen in the real world. To ensure you don’t end up as one of these people, there are certain things you should do before you start taking massive action. While taking these steps won’t guarantee that you will make your dream a reality, they certainly give you a much better chance of success!

Make a commitment

No goal will ever be reached without a firm commitment. Know going in that there will be tough times, setbacks and sacrifices you need to make to reach your goal through massive action steps. Decide if it’s worth the hard work it will take before you get started.

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Do your research

Many things you want to tackle are going to need some research before you can determine a plan or strategy. Stay focused as you do the research necessary, but do allow a few tangents if you feel they would be valuable in helping you determine how to best go about taking massive action to meet your goal. You may need to have a time frame in mind of how long you will research, however. It can feel safe to stay in this phase instead of stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking action. Many people never get past this stage, so keep that firmly in mind as you begin.

Make a plan

Once you’ve done your homework, it’s time to create a plan of attack. What should you do first? What’s a reasonable timeline for completing your goal? Will going about it this way or that be better for you. Definitely take the advice of others who have come before you, but remember that just because you do it differently than they did doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong. Use your instinct to plan out your strategy since only you can decide what’s best for your life.

Write down your goals and objectives

It’s fine to think about your goals and objectives–I mean, you have to start somewhere. But don’t stop there. Write down your goals and objectives in as much detail as possible and keep the paper handy. You will need to refer to it before making decisions about future actions or when you get off track and need to remind yourself of why you started the project to begin with.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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Are You Following Your Own Path, or Someone Else’s?


It’s not easy to find your way through the world. You might have interests that don’t coincide with the values of your parents or with those of western society.

It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and while the status quo might work for the majority of the population, it doesn’t work for everyone.

To have a truly fulfilling life, you must live it on your own terms.

There are plenty of forces willing to tell you what your path should be:

  1. Parents. Your parents want you to be happy and successful. Many of them also want to be able to brag to their friends about their children. They also don’t want to be supporting you financially when you’re in your 30’s.

    • Parents tend to be practical in their advice. Just remember that you’d have a similar life to them if you followed their advice. That might be good or bad.

    • Keep in mind that you are not the same as your parents. You also have your own life to live.

  2. Educational system. The educational system wants to turn out productive people into society that conform to their ways of thinking. This might be great for society, but it might not be in your best interests.

    • What if you want to be a rockstar, or take a few years to travel and write a book, own a llama farm, or become a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka? Your school guidance counselor might be less than supportive.

  3. Society as a whole. We live in a society that values achievement, financial resources, and personal possessions. We’re supposed to get married to a beautiful partner, have a few kids, and live in the suburbs.

    • It’s natural to want to play that game, even if it doesn’t quite suit our true nature. It’s nice to have the admiration of society. Our egos crave this type of recognition.

    • But the type of life dictated by society isn’t a good fit for everyone. There are plenty of people that are highly successful by society’s criteria that are absolutely miserable.

Plenty of people are willing to influence your choice of lifestyle and career. It’s unlikely their advice will be optimal for you. Be an individual and find the path that works best for you.

Find and follow your own path with these strategies:

  1. Ask yourself what you really want to do. Don’t say that you don’t know, because you do know. You’re just afraid to allow it to see the light of day. You might be concerned what others think, or you might be afraid that you’re not capable of doing it. Deep down, you know what you want.

    • Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything, and then listen to the answer.

  2. Decide that you’re going to follow your path. One of the biggest obstacles to success is failing to make a true decision. A decision only occurs when you shut yourself off to other possibilities. If you frequently change your mind, you’re not making true decisions.

  3. Make a plan. Set up a schedule of daily tasks that will bring you closer to living the life that you have chosen. You’re practically guaranteed success provided you don’t give up.

Your life is your responsibility. If you find yourself stuck living someone else’s definition of success, you’ll find yourself all alone. The people that influenced you to live this way will be off living their own lives.

Take control of your destiny and find your own path. Your life will be more interesting, more satisfying, and uniquely your own!

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package”. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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Consider Doing a SWOT Analysis on Yourself


When people create case studies on businesses, they often include a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. If you can do this for business, why not consider doing one for yourself? It can help you gain insight about yourself and reinforce the idea of believing in yourself.

The concept of SWOT is usually diagrammed in quadrants or squares, representing each of the words of the acronym. It’s up to you as to which squares to place each of the words. By convention, the upper-left square is for Strengths, while the lower-left square is for Opportunities. The upper-right square is for Weaknesses, and the lower-right square is for Threats.

Fill up each quadrant with appropriate items relating to the heading of the quadrant. To take this a step further, ask family and friends to help you fill up the quadrants. After you have them all filled, you can evaluate them to see what needs improvement.

Don’t let the negative aspects (Weaknesses, Threats) trip you up when creating your analysis. You are listing them to gain perspective in areas that you need your focus. In fact, some weaknesses you may not want to tackle because it doesn’t interest you. Threats are merely items to be aware of and may help you try to overcome them.

The key to success is to be as honest as possible with yourself about all the items included in the analysis. If you aren’t, it isn’t going to help you much, and you may focus on the wrong items to improve. Further, you may not be as strong in some areas as you believed, which can lead you on the wrong path as well.

A representative SWOT analysis will give you a great foundation for your life, both personally and professionally. You can use it as a tool to advance your goals. You will learn about yourself and who you are. Don’t rush this process. You want it to be as representative of yourself as possible. It’s better to take several days or even weeks than to try to list items for the sake of filling up the quadrants.

Once you feel comfortable that you have the right items for your analysis, you can use it to help you believe in yourself. It’s all there for you to reference, and it can help you to refine your goals and tasks further.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are looking for a confidence program that can help you with your self development. Send me an email at to request a copy of my “Maximum Confidence Transformation Package. Afterwards we can arrange a discovery telephone call to discuss the package and how you can benefit further from developing your confidence level.

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