Boost Your Motivation by Taking A Break

taking a break


When you’re in the thick of a demanding project or trying to power through a long list of tasks, the idea of taking a break might seem counterproductive. After all, how can you stay motivated if you’re stepping away from your work? However, the paradoxical truth is that taking regular breaks might be one of the most effective strategies to maintain and even enhance your motivation over the long haul.

Before you can start to plan your success goals, there are many things that you need to understand before you can be sure that the goals you set are really the ones you want.

One of those things is to determine if there are any Limiting Beliefs that can stop you from actually achieving those goals.

I have a self-study Limiting Belief Program that you can go through to determine what your Limiting Beliefs are and how you can remove them.

You can read more and register for the program at Limiting Beliefs Program on my Confidence and Life Coaching website.

Start your journey on your path to success by identifying and removing your Limiting Beliefs so that you make the journey a lot easier.

You can download a free PDF containing five articles on Limiting Beliefs and how to overcome them and achieve things in your career and personal life.

The PDF can be downloaded here (and you don’t have to register or provide an email address)

Limiting Beliefs Download

Download the file and go over the other material that you can find on the Confidence and Life Coaching website.

We live in a culture that often glorifies busyness and the hustle, but this relentless drive can lead to burnout. When you’re burned out, motivation is one of the first things to go. The key to avoiding this is to understand the importance of pacing yourself and giving your mind and body the time they need to recharge. This is where strategic breaks come in—they aren’t just about resting; they’re about resetting your mental state so you can return to your work with renewed energy and focus.

Research in cognitive psychology shows that our brains are not designed to work non-stop. We have a limited amount of cognitive energy, and when it’s depleted, our ability to concentrate and perform well diminishes. This is why you might notice that after hours of continuous work, your productivity slows down, and your quality of work begins to suffer. Taking a break allows your brain to rest and recover, which can actually make you more productive when you return to your tasks.

But it’s not just about productivity—taking breaks can also spark creativity and problem-solving. Often, when you step away from a problem and do something completely unrelated, your brain continues to process the information in the background. This is why some of the best ideas come to us in the shower or during a walk. By giving your brain a break from focused work, you’re giving it the space to make new connections and come up with creative solutions that you might not have thought of if you had stayed glued to your desk.

The type of break you take can also make a difference. A short walk outside, for example, can have a powerful impact on your mood and motivation. The combination of physical activity, fresh air, and a change of scenery can help clear your mind and boost your energy levels. Even just a few minutes away from your screen to stretch or grab a healthy snack can be enough to reset your focus.

It’s important to note that not all breaks are created equal. Mindlessly scrolling through social media, for instance, might seem like a break, but it can actually leave you feeling more drained. The goal of a break should be to refresh your mind and body, so choosing activities that promote relaxation or movement is key.

Incorporating regular breaks into your routine might require a mindset shift, especially if you’re used to pushing through fatigue in the name of productivity. However, the benefits of taking breaks are well-documented, and once you start to see the positive impact on your motivation and performance, you’ll likely find it easier to build this habit into your daily schedule.

Actionable Step: Schedule short, intentional breaks throughout your day. Aim for a 5-10 minute break every hour or so, where you step away from your work entirely. Use this time to stretch, take a walk, or engage in a relaxing activity. Notice how these breaks affect your energy levels, focus, and overall motivation.

Taking breaks might seem like a small thing, but the impact can be significant. By allowing yourself the time to rest and recharge, you’re setting yourself up for sustained motivation and long-term success. It’s a simple but effective strategy that can make a big difference in how you feel and perform throughout the day

So, the next time you find yourself hitting a mental wall or feeling your motivation wane, don’t be afraid to step away. Embrace the power of a well-timed break and give yourself the chance to return to your work with renewed energy and a fresh perspective. You’ll likely find that you’re not just more motivated, but also more creative and productive.

To talk about any aspect of success or working with a Life Coach to help you to achieve success, you can book a 45-minute call by clicking on the blue button below.Book the call now buttonDon’t try to do all of this by yourself, ask and receive the guidance that can get you moving towards your own success.

Nothing happens until action is taken.

To your success.


Michael W





P.S if you want to find out more about my programs just check out the site Confidence and Life Coaching

P.P.S. If you enjoy reading these articles on my blog, I have more books that have more of this type of information that you can find out more about at Books to Read. You can buy these ebooks at many on-line book stores. The links to the bookstores are at the link above.

If you have an Amazon Kindle account, there are different books at Amazon – Michael W (author)

P.P.P.S. You can download a free PDF containing five articles on Limiting Beliefs and how to overcome them and achieve things in your career and personal life.

The PDF can be downloaded here (and you don’t have to register or provide an email address)

Limiting Beliefs Download

Download the file and go over the other material that you can find on the Confidence and Life Coaching website.




Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash