What Are You Doing –

Finding The Missing Link

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” – Johann von Goethe

“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold — but so does a hard-boiled egg.” – Anon.

The missing link between inactivity and achievement is initiative. I believe the missing quality in the homogenized society that we live in is initiative. Ask any employer who is building a business and the number one quality they seek in new recruits is initiative. Having the ability to think and act.

I recall years ago having to address the off duty phone calls I received from my staff of the Hotel I managed, that were not essential. Missing lemons, staff not turning in, an individuals phone number, the list was endless. The first week-end following my staff address was free of calls but not without event. On my return to the hotel the following Monday, I discovered there had been three fire appliances called to the scene and the hotel kitchen had burnt down. Apparently my request consideration towards my free time had not enhanced my desire to build initiative in problem solving.

In order to be a visionary one must show initiative in our educational development. Ignorance is intelligence gone to seed, as is a vision without initiative. We must seek to develop a consistent plan of personal growth, which includes our educational needs. Read when sat and listen when on the move. Redeem time by making the best use of it. Motivational tapes, inspirational biographies and documentaries are great ways of enhancing our education and so is networking with fellow visionaries.

Serving someone else’s vision is a great way to develop your own.

As a coach, I am as committed to building my practice, as I am someone else’s. I provide coaching on life issues, strategic planning, vision and values along with support on a friendship level. We don’t have to have all the answers to be successful in a given field, but we do need to have a positive mental attitude and a teachable spirit.

Successful business people are generally motivated people. The prime reason for this is they have learned time is the main resource that cannot be squandered without good intent. Being successful in business generally allows us to use our time as we choose. This can provide greater leisure opportunities and more quality resources.

A great way to appreciate an improved quality of life is to spend time with those who are doing so. More resources, faster cars and bigger houses are not everyone’s idea of success. These may well follow as a result of careful planning and our responsible attitude towards initiative, however most visionaries are not driven by success they are motivated by purpose.

Here are some ways of defining where to focus your activities:

– Ask yourself the question “What stirs your emotions?” – What would cause you to move country in order to participate in? – Who would I like to be mentored by if time or history allowed? – If all the resources were at my disposal, what would I do right now?

“Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.” – Arabic Parable

“Do to others what you would have them do to you” – Bible, Matthew 7:12

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “The hardest step of a long march is the first.”

Identifying what we have does not come easy to an individual who can only focus on what they need. This paralyses us into inactivity unless we start at the point of which we can. Excuses for Starting are based in procrastination and procrastination is brought about by too many options. When we reduce the options our focus becomes sharper.

I was in Africa recently doing a little shopping at a local shed in the middle of two townships. I had a raging thirst and the intense heat drove me to this drinks shed. There were cases of coke in the old-fashioned style glass bottles stacked in the shade. It was not chilled, and cherry flavoured. There were two options. Drink it or leave it! Back home in my local supermarket recently, I became intensely agitated and rather sad when I had to stand amongst the huge aisles of soft drink as my children debated as to the flavour of drink we should buy. Too many options are not always a good thing, and especially when our future depends on the outcome.

If you are faithful with a little you will never lack

Building a life out of vision requires an unselfish motive. Being mean spirited with your vision and resources will only lead to isolation and lack. I have watched individuals over the years with so many resources but no vision to make use of them. They eventually lose them or even worse have them rot before their eyes.

A friend of mine in England started a club where young disadvantaged people could attend and have fun and food. So popular was this activity that they decided to bus the kids in from the surrounding city. I met a businessman who had bought a custom bus on a whim to use in the future. I suggested he may wish to give it to this organization to help them achieve their objective of giving support to their community. He declined for all sorts of reasons. Today the businessman’s bus is rotting and my friends community programme owns twelve double-decker buses (London type), local bus mechanics give their time free to maintain them and all the resources to run them have been provided.

Vision attracts resources whether we support it or not. We can be generous in helping others succeed or we can be selfish and focus on our own needs. A generous attitude is always a great place to start. Interestingly, most genuine visionaries have started out supporting in some way or another someone else’s vision whilst defining their own.

Responsibility or ownership

The difference between taking our responsibility within the vision and ownership of it is motive. One can never own something that has been entrusted to us, just as one can never give away something that we are responsible for. When defining our vision, we must accept responsibility for the leading of it, yet recognize we cannot treat those drawn to it as if we have exclusive ownership of it. One sure way to kill vision is to hold onto it as if we were the sole owners of it.

In our awareness of growing vision, we must treat those resources that are added to it from a perspective of being responsible leaders, whilst letting go and letting growth take its course.

This is a fundamental principle we must observe along the journey to fulfilling vision. Those that join this vision will also need a sense of ownership or partnership within its operation. The motive by which we serve this vision will determine whether we understand our responsibility without declaring ownership of it.

If we become confused in the midst of this vision, re-visit the point of conception

Vision is in a sense alive. It requires our attention in the same way that a baby would. We never own our children we are entrusted with them. This shows our responsibility towards their growth, nurture and eventual maturity. The end result is an individual that we have invested boundaries, values and behavioral skills into. The day will come all too soon when we have to open the door to the world and let them take their place in it, hoping and praying that they will live by the values that we invested into them and so complete the cycle of life.

When in the midst of the kinetic like activities that vision attracts, it is all too easy to lose sight of its humble beginnings. Many an individual and organization has learned to its own demise, that moving into other opportunities that we are neither skilled nor gifted in will often result in something that we never intended to take place. It is at such a point we need to ask the questions before we continue down the pathway presented to us.

a) Is this consistent with my personal values and boundaries?

b) Will this direction achieve my overall objectives?

c) Will this new direction strengthen or weaken what we / I, do well?

d) What is my motive for considering such a path?

Remember what builds vision is pertinent to growth. We should not ask the question what will cause vision to grow, but rather what will stop it. We don’t spend time looking for things to make a child grow, but we instinctively know what will hider its growth. By applying the same principle, we will give vision the life it needs to grow.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people with coaching before mid-autumn and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to get started now.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Part 2 of Discovering Your Path to Success

Discover Your Path to Success – Part 2

Are you easily distracted?

Most people cannot focus on a goal, without getting “side tracked.” When this cannot be helped, you can develop a new skill set, through meditation, self-hypnosis, or by learning not to give up. You can learn to meditate in a variety of ways. At my site, we have a course, but you can also find Yoga classes where meditation is taught. There are many good books and CD’s. A very good CD is Meditation Made Simple by John Daniels.

Picture it like this: Christopher Columbus truly had a one-dimensional personality; he was focused on finding an alternate route to Asia, to the point of being a poor “family man.” However, unlike most people, he stayed focused and never gave up.

Now you don’t have to give up everything in life to achieve a goal, but you have to focus on your goal, avoid giving up, getting depressed, and make up your mind to enjoy the journey. It is still wise to have a complete life by allowing time for your family and friends. If you stay on a straight course, you will be “ahead in the game,” but you will have to mentally focus on your end result, even in bad economic times.

Can you rationally separate good advice from bad?

You will hear many opinions – some will be constructive, and others will be useless. You will have to know the difference, by evaluating all advice without emotion, and with an open mind.

Is the ultimate reward worth the cost and sacrifice?

You should already know that you may invest time, money, work, or all three, to reach your ultimate goal. Envision yourself reaching your ultimate objective, and if it is worth all of the sacrifice, then you should move on to the next step.

Start moving forward now. If you didn’t write your goals down, evaluate them, and prioritize them, you should go back to part one again, to finish that assignment. Much similar to a business, you must have a written plan to move forward.

Just don’t worry about getting it perfect. None of us ever do, and your plans will change as you go. In fact, life is adapting to a constantly changing universe. Most of us cannot accurately predict the cycles of the economy. We design a plan and prepare to turn on a dime, if necessary. Everything in life is subject to change and all of us have to accept it.

Realizing this, you now proceed with caution toward your short-term goals. Once you have designed your plan, there is no need to ‘wait until next year.” Put your plan into action and take one forward step at a time. This one step is the biggest of all your steps, and your commitment to succeed is your “guiding light.” Now, what were the “hidden treasures” you found in part two? The answer is focus, commitment, and acceptance. You already have them; all you need to do is get the most out of what you already have.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people by providing confidence coaching before the fall and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to get started now and we can start the process of getting together to help you develop your confidence level.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Do You Still Believe These Confidence Myths?

Myths About Confidence You Want to Stop Believing

Did you know there are multiple myths about confidence that can affect you? If you want to strengthen your self-esteem, then it’s important to eliminate these misconceptions and focus on reality.

Learn more about these myths:

Myth 1: Success is necessary for confidence. Although success can give your confidence a boost, it’s not a requirement to have it.

  • You can have confidence without great success.
  • It’s important to take note of small accomplishments. Even simple things like making your bed every day or listening to a friend’s troubles have value.
  • In fact, experts share that in order for you reach the highest levels of success, you need to have confidence first. You can start small and watch it grow over time with new goals being reached.

Myth 2: Only extroverts can be confident. You can be an introvert and still have high confidence levels.

  • There are extroverts who aren’t confident.
  • Being an extrovert or an introvert isn’t the reason why you have or lack confidence. There are other factors involved.
  • It’s not necessary to be an extrovert to have confidence. You don’t have to be the center of attention or attend every party to get noticed. Confidence is internal and depends on your thoughts.

Myth 3: You have to be confident all the time. The truth is that confidence levels can go up and down.

  • You don’t have to be confident every hour of every day.
  • Your self-esteem will change and fluctuate over time. According to experts, this is normal and not something to be concerned about.
  • You may have fears that cripple your confidence on occasion. The key is to work through them and keep going. Feelings of uncertainty and insecurity will happen.

Myth 4: You have to love being the center of attention. You don’t have to be at the heart of all conversations and activities to have confidence.

  • It’s normal for confident people to want to avoid the spotlight sometimes.
  • In addition, many confident people still hate public speaking and large parties. Confidence isn’t directly linked to being the center of attention.

Myth 5: You must be born with confidence. Although some people seem to naturally have more confidence, you don’t have to be born with it.

  • Confidence isn’t built into your DNA like eye color or hair color.
  • Instead, it can be learned and acquired over time. For example, you’re not born with a natural ability to write or read. You learn these skills as you get older, and the same concept can be applied to confidence.
  • It’s possible to develop more confidence. It’s also possible to conquer the fears that are holding you back.

Myth 6: Comparing yourself to others will increase confidence. Whether you compare yourself to people who are ahead of you or those who are behind you, this is not the way to increase self-esteem and confidence.

  • Research shows that comparing yourself to others actually hurts your confidence levels.
  • If you’re focused on others and their success, then you’re not growing yourself. You’re not working on your own issues and challenges to reach higher.

By looking at other lives and contrasting them with yours, you’re feeding your insecurities. It’s also important to remember that you rarely know the full details of another person’s existence.

Confidence myths can inhibit your progress and hurt your self-esteem. You don’t have to believe these myths anymore. Leave them behind and start building greater confidence today!

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Frustrated and feeling down because you haven’t yet reached the ultimate level of success that you know you deserve can really impact your confidence.

Let me help you to end that feeling of frustration and build your confidence level up so that you will have a powerful, high level of inner confidence that will move you steadily forward towards your goals and success.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people before mid-summer 2017 and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply send me an email at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com and we will set up a call to start to help you to develop or improve your confidence and motivation levels.

What Does Your Potential Look Like?

Identifying Your Potential

Discovering what makes you tick is integral to identifying your own potential. Knowing what you’re good at and what you want to do in life will make your life more satisfying and fulfilling.

If you’re struggling to figure out your strengths and ability to accomplish things, perhaps it would be helpful to take some time to get in touch with your own potential.

Consider these questions and suggestions to help you identify your potential:

  1. What do you love to do? Write it down. Include tasks such as “make my car shine” as well as activities like “complete a 10-page quarterly report on my project at work.”
  • Your passion in a specific area will enhance your abilities to achieve in related activities. If you love to listen to guitar music and you’re taking lessons, you’ll no doubt be motivated to try to play your best and produce lovely music.
  1. Listen to what others say about you. Although you’ll have your own concept of who you are and what you’re good at, paying attention to what others say to you about you will offer insight into some of your talents and skills you might not have considered.
  • What other people see as your strengths will most likely be areas that you perform well in. You gain valuable information by listening to others’ comments about you and to you.
  1. What is your dream career? Throughout life, you’ve perhaps thought about more than one or two careers you’d enjoy. Maybe as a child, you wanted to be a doctor. During your adolescent years, you loved archeology and thought you’d go in to a related career. But now, you’re an adult in the working world. Is this the job you truly want?
  • If you’d rather be doing something else, what would it be? Let your mind go. You want to work on a cruise ship that travels from one Caribbean island to another. You dream about working in the fashion industry. Maybe you’ve always wanted to own a restaurant where you cooked for everyone.
  • The point is that when a particular idea has stuck with you over the years, you’ll no doubt be highly motivated to make it happen and fulfill your potential.
  1. Surround yourself with people you love. People whom you love and who love you inspire you to go for what you want in life. They nurture, support, and encourage you.
  • Ensure you have plenty of loving, caring people around you to provide inspiration to fuel your potential.
  1. Can you find a mentor? A mentor is someone who’ll help you cultivate your greatest joy, interest or talent. They’re usually a person who excels in the area that you’re interested in pursuing. An effective mentor can help you identify and even fulfill your potential.
  • When you have a role model who thoroughly knows about a subject that’s close to your heart, you’ll push yourself to learn more and excel in your chosen area.

Once you know what you love to do, you’ll be closer to identifying your potential in life. Also, being in touch with your own strengths and having supportive people, including a mentor, around you will help. Focus on discovering your own potential to create the life you desire.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W


P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people by providing confidence coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to get started now and we can start the process of getting together to help you develop your confidence level.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?

Part 1 – Your Path to Success

Discover Your Path to Success – Part 1

Success can easily be compared to the “genie trapped in a bottle.” For many of us, it is a matter of finding a way to open the bottle, and then, follow a specific path. This path is filled with pitfalls, and traps, along the way, so it is wise to expand your vision by learning as you go.

To many people, success is a “fairytale” and as elusive as a Yeti. In reality, success is just around the corner, and sometimes already exists, as hidden treasure. I am not talking about sunken ships or Indiana Jones. What I am referring to are skills you already possess, friends and family who will help you, and accomplishments that you already have made.

When you put these hidden treasures, together, with your end goal in mind, you are on your way toward success. Now let’s look at a way to move forward every day, live a quality life, and help everyone around you, in the process.

Write all of your goals down, and keep them in a place that you will see. This could be on a piece of paper in your pocket, on your desk top, in a notebook, in your diary, or on your smart phone. Wherever you put this information, it should be a place where you will see it, every day.

Separate realistic from lofty goals, but don’t throw lofty goals out. Also, separate short-term goals, from long-term goals, and design estimated time frames, for measured results. You don’t have to share this with anyone, unless they share the same goal. If you have, at least, one close friend, spouse, or family, who shares the same dream, you are in a very strong position.

However, you don’t need to be a “politician” to be successful, if you learn to focus on your goals, every day. Now we have to go over a few questions that will also help you design your road map toward success.

Will your goals hurt anyone? Will you have to step on anyone to get what you want?

If you answered yes to either one of the above questions, you should redefine your goal or goals, so you can achieve it or them without harming anyone in the process. If that is not possible, throw that goal out, and move on. Your goals should help people and be morally sound.

Do you have a real passion for your goals?

This one is also important because, if your goal is “flipping burgers” for money, it won’t be long, before that gets old. I have yet to meet the person, who has a real passion for flipping burgers. Please don’t get me wrong, some people are very good at it, but I have known many short order cooks, who wish they were doing something else besides “slaving” over a hot stove.

What you choose, must be something you love doing, and the money will follow. There are so many people, who craft an occupation, based upon money alone, and learn to regret it. If you have a purpose in life you have “self-worth.” Self-worth is a very valuable hidden treasure.

Part 2 will follow shortly and add to the material presented here to help you discover your path to success.

To your success

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. Are you frustrated that you are not reaching your ultimate level of success? Do you desire to be more confident and successful? Fantastic. Let me help you.

As a Life Coach, I have set myself a goal of helping 8 people by providing confidence coaching before mid-summer and so I am offering 2 free coaching sessions to the first 8 people that put their hand up. Only do so if you are ready to make the shifts in your life that you desire.

Simply email me at michael@youaresuccesslifecoach.com to get started now and we can start the process of getting together to help you develop your confidence level.

Are you ready to reach the level of success that you know you desire?