Choosing The Right Life Coach

“You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.” Lou Holtz

If you are going to use a life coach, then you need to make sure that the person you connect with is right for you. Not all life coaches can help in every area of your life.

The article below gives some advice on selecting the right life coach for you.

To discuss what a life coach can do for you and to schedule a session with Michael, use the contact form below.

Michael is a certified Life Optimization coach as well as a Law of Attraction and Law of Attraction Wealth coach.

Life coaching and choosing a life coach for success – by Jonathan Logan

Life coaching can be incredibly beneficial for someone looking for various types of assistance or advice. Coaches vary in their specialties and areas of interest, but typically you can expect a life coach to help you make life more enjoyable across multiple different spectrums. The first steps to making that happen however, is deciding that you need a life coach and then selecting the right life coach.

Choosing a life coach is like going to the grocery store and seeing the many varieties of cereal available and then grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf. All life coaches are not the same. Like cereal, some may seem metaphorically delicious but lack the substance to keep you healthy. A good coach will be someone who can combine a welcoming exterior with an inner substance that will help you in the long run. The best life coach for you will depend on your life situation and the experience and specialty of the coach. For that reason, it’s important to get as much information about a coach as possible before making any monetary commitments. Nearly every legitimate coach will offer some sort of free consultation that you should definitely take advantage of. Using this free consultation will allow you to see if your personality meshes with your coach and will allow your coach to get a feel of how they may be able to help you. A good coaching relationship requires both the coach and the client to be comfortable with each other.

It’s important to enter a coaching relationship with realistic expectations for yourself and the entire experience. Expecting a life coach to have a magic button that will automatically improve every aspect of your life is obviously misguided. Having an idea of what success would look like for you is a great idea and sharing it with your coach can help give both of you a target to aim for. However, the coaching process is rarely completely straightforward and sometimes new goals arise during the process. A certain tolerance for the unknown and a willingness to work through difficult questions is important for you to get the most out of your coaching arrangement.

In today’s challenging world environment, many more people are looking to a life coach to provide perspective and value added coaching that promotes results and sustainable change. Even if you do not have a challenge right now in your life, a great coach will help you get to the next level, so you don\’t really need to wait for a problem to hire a coach!

Below are some additional tips to help you with your selection;

  1. Are you ready to commit to Coaching?
  2. Prepare a list of questions for your selection process
  3. Do your research on the coach before choosing them i.e.: look for success stories that they have had with other clients
  4. Look for a life coach that is going to challenge you
  5. Before committing, ensure you connect with them
  6. See life coaching as an investment verses an expense and with all investments you need to get a return


About the Author

Simon Boutros is a Life & Business Coach, Neuro Strategist & Consultant at Success International Consulting. Simon Specialises in helping people with life & Business strategies by working with them to get great results in any area of life and or business. Simon is certified as a master practitioner NLP, Neuro Strategies Framework, Hypnotherapy & TimeLine Therapy and has extensive experience in business and has worked many small medium & large corporations. For more resources and articles and to subscribe to the blog go to