
So How Has 2018 Been So Far?

Are your resolutions still intact or have they been broken and forgotten already?

Are you already frustrated that 2018 is going to be like all of the other years where you don’t accomplish any of your major goals?

If your year so far has not been everything that you expected, don’t be too hard on yourself. This is a very common situation for many many people. They make all of these really good resolutions in the spirit of the moment and that is the problem. There is no commitment to achieving them, so by February they are forgotten.

You need to understand why you are making the commitments to change.

What do you want to do?

  • Do you want to lose weight by a certain date for your school reunion?
  • Do you want to quit smoking because you have a baby coming soon and you want a healthy home environment?
  • Do you want to save money because you want to take your spouse on a great anniversary vacation to an exotic location?
  • Are you just tired of not moving your life forward to the new, great life that you know you deserve and that you desire?
  • Do you want a promotion at work but you are not confident that you possess the necessary skills and personality to achieve it?

These are all great goals and they may be part of your year’s desires if they fit into your life plan.

But, how do you achieve them when you have had so many disappointment in the past?

The disappointments are caused by you not truly believing in yourself and not following through in your plans.

Limiting beliefs holding you back

You can believe in yourself, but many people find it difficult to do because they have to first remove those limiting beliefs that are holding them back.

Ones that say:

  • You will always be overweight so why even try to lose weight?
  • You have smoked for years, what makes you think that you can quit, besides you like smoking?
  • Saving money is difficult and I have never been able to save, I like to buy new things all the time.
  • Why even try to get promoted, it just means more work for me and I don’t need the stress.

These beliefs need to be removed before you can move forward to the new exciting, vibrant you.

So how do you remove these limiting beliefs and make the transitions and ultimate transformation in yoiur life?

Why coaching helps

You need to talk to someone who can guide you through your past to help you find the source of these beliefs and then can assist you in replacing them with new uplifting beliefs that move you towards your goals.

Confidence and Motivation can help you with removing your limits and then setting and achieving your 2018 goals then assisting you to achieve them.

At Confidence and Motivation you will learn what your limiting beliefs are, how they were learned and then you will work on removing them and replacing them with new beliefs that will carry you forward. You won’t do this alone, Michael will be guiding you and keeping you motivated to achieve all of your goals and desires.

During the sessions you will also be guided to determine what your true desires and goals are and you will learn how to attain those goals, whether financial, work related or life goals.

Make no mistake, this will be difficult to do and YOU will have to work to make the changes stick, otherwise you are just wasting your time and money.

So, if you really are ready to make the changes in your life, contact Michael at:


Make 2018 the year that those “New Year’s Resolutions” actually work and continue to make your life that much better than in the past.

To your success.

Michael W

Michael W

P.S. If you are not ready to make the commitment, both in time, effort and money for a coach to help you move forward and achieve all of your goals for 2018, you can check the Confidence and Motivation membership site. There are 5 levels so one of them will be right for you.

P.P.S. As a thank you for reading this far, and even though you do not want to use a Life Coach to help with your life’s transitions or transformation, nor do you want to join the Confidence and Motivation membership site, I would still like to give you a free gift download.

14 Ways to Boost Your Confidence ebook, Cheat sheet and Worksheet

confidence-ebook confidence-cheat-sheet confidence-worksheet

This material can help you to gain a better understanding of methods to develop your confidence for a better life.

You can download the material here:
